Browning BAR vs. Remington 7400/750


New member
I'm looking for opinions on these rifles in .308. I'm considering the Remington 750 Woodmaster (new in 2006) carbine, but I'm sure not many people have it yet. Just looking for opinions on quality, shootability, etc. between the Browning & Remington semi-auto .308s.
The BAR is the better of the two. A BAR is as accurate as the shooter wants to be. I had a friend who used his 243 for varmint hunting, and it performed very well. A 1 MOA rifle with the right load. You would be lucky to get the Remington 7400 to shoot into 2" at 100 yds.
If you dont mind paying more for the Browning then definetly go with that one. It is basicaly in a class above the remington 7400. When I become rich and famous I plan on buying a BAR stalker 30-06. :D
cant say much about the bar, like them and have though of getting one in the next few years though, I recently purchased a remington 7400 carbine in .30-06 wood stocks, keep in mind the carbine, if you do buy it, will not be the glossy stocks that the full version can come in. The remington is more of a hunting rifle in my opinion, you can get 10rd clips pretty easily and have heard of people with large military clips from 'nam snipers but not to sure if youd be able to get one of these.. The 7400 and assumably the 750 as its almost identical to the first(they just made the 7400 only synthetic and 750 the wood version) works almost the same as the 7600, it has two bars that cycle rounds, gas driven half way up the barrel on the 7400. Im sure youll hear a million comments about constant jaming, i never have had this once, the older models had wear problems but thats after thousands of rounds and like i said the older versions, obviously, being a gas driven gun, it should be cleaned so residue does not clock the mechanism, the front end stock enclosing the diver rods is accesable by removing one flathead screw and slinding the stock of along the barrel, very simple and fast(cant mess it up). If properly cleaned there should be no reason to ever get jams. The gun itself is not to badly priced, i got mine completely new for $500 at a local gun store, if you cant get one that cheap print the price from wally world and ask around if anyone will meet that price(what i did ;P, i know im cheap) the gun comes with a 4 rnd magazine cleaning brush .. think that was it, extra factory magazines are everywhere for 20-25$ but if you go online you can find aftermarket ones for less... i own a rem 760 carbine from 40 or more years ago and you should know the wood wont stay as beautiful as it comes, i also own a 760 in gloss from 1976, that wood does look almost the same as when it came from the factory,
anyways that might be alot but just my thoughts...i could have gone on lol

the main difference in my opinion(not knowing if bars are reliable,sure they are) is price

the BAR might run 700-1000+
the 7400/750 will run you 500-575

Also the remington has the smother profile withought that 45 angle, you might like that, thats your opinion

if youre rich go with a BAR, if youre poor like me get a 7400 and save up a bit more money and get a rem 700 for longer range :P thats what im doing
You would be lucky to get the Remington 7400 to shoot into 2" at 100 yds

Well, I must be one lucky SOB as I have three of them that will do 1.5" with factory loads. One is an older 742 .243 and the other two are 7400's in .30-06.
go with the BAR

i own a BAR in 30-06, and a remington 7600 in 30-06 and the BAR is significantly better in all conceivable ways. Shoots better, feels better in my hands and ive never had a problem with the action. I hunt in the Adirondacks and My 7600 has frozen on multiple occasions,
I have a Bar in the 30-06 and my dad has a 7400 in 270 and I believe the Bar is a much better rifle. Had some loading problems with the 7400 though it was easily fixed. Never had a problem with the Bar. On several occassions I've shot two deer on the same clip nice to have the fast follow up shots.
The BAR is an excellent rifle, but will be much more expensive than the 7400. Matter of fact, just about everything about the Browning is more expensive, including magazines. You can just about buy two used 7400's for the price of one used BAR. Matter of fact, the last two 7400's I bought cost me $225 each, and both were in very good condition. If you look around long enough, particularly in pawn shops, you can find these rifles for under $275. I have yet to see a used BAR for under $450, regardless of the condition. As far as one being better than the other, well that's an argument that's difficult to prove. Both are reasonably accurate for semi auto guns, and both are reliable. The Browning does offer a few more caliber options, and I think the Remington is much easier to work on. I prefer the Remington simply because I have more experience with them, and have had very good luck with them over the years. In fact, I am looking to add another one to the stable, just as soon as I find a .308 for less than $300!
One more thing to consider, the Remintons are almost a pound heavier (14 oz). However the Remingtons are available in 18 1/2" carbine versions, so that makes them only 10 oz. heavier then the 22" BAR.