Browing BT-99: Your Opinion is Requested.

I'm thinking about getting a first-rate trap gun - maybe the Browning BT-99. What do you think? Is it the best buy? Should I get something different? Are the Browing chokes good?
I don't own one but I've had clay target sand kicked in my face plenty by those BT-99 bullies.

Very popular at my trap range and have heard nary a discouraging word. "Best buy" seems to be the consensus.

...apart from being a little too challanging shooting doubles ;)
I currently shoot a BT-99. It has a 34" barrel and is fixed full choke. I absolutely love the gun. For a while now I've thought I may buy me a Kreighoff K-80. I've decided that I dont think I'll do much better than I do with the BT-99. I mean I'm already consistently hitting 23, 24 (havent had a perfect yet) out of 25. I also love the beaver tail forend. The gun is balanced well and it fits me well too. The only thing is I have to float the bird alittle which you have to do on pretty much all purpose built trap guns, this is fine for me but some of my friends have alot of trouble shooting over the birds when they try my gun after using their field guns. You cant go wrong buying a BT-99 for trap shooting :D
I have used a BT-99 for several years and it has served me VERY well. I have watched many shooters with guns costing 3 to 10 times as much walk off the line and to the gunsmith tent for repairs. You can spend a LOT more for a gun that may not work as well. Mine has NEVER failed to fire or have a problem of ANY kind... nough said
I have a newer BT-99 with choke tubes and adjustable stock. It's my first shotgun. I'd highly recommend it for anyone wanting a dedicated trap gun. It's robustly built, easy to clean, and will do just as well for you as one of the fancier guns costing thousands more.

I can't comment on the Browning chokes as I've only used the stock Browning full choke so far. I haven't patterned it yet, but I'm hitting 22 targets on average per round and I've only been shooting for 4 weeks now. I plan to try a Briley soon.
The BT-99 should be good for a million rounds. Spotted owl is correct in everything he has said.

The factory invertor plus tubes are pretty good. If you are dealing with standard invector tubes, you will find that the Briley tubes are indeed better.

The BT-99 is a great singles and handicap shotgun.
