Broomhandle dilemna


New member
I have a baffling problem with my Broomhandle
Mauser that I hope some C96 expert on TFL can
give me some insight to. Simply put, the trigger does not drop the hammer. As near as
I can figure out the sear lever is slipping
out of it's inset in the sear and failing to
push it hard enough to drop the hammer. I've
had the gun apart several times and examined
the problem six ways to Sunday and still can
not isolate the exact cause of this. I've
tried building up the sear lever at both ends, so it has more contact with the trigger
spring and so it fits tighter in the sear inset but this has not solved the problem.
Am I missing something here? Shortly after
getting the gun I replaced the old springs
with a set of Wolff springs to correct some
other functioning problems. Could this have
some impact on the function of the sear? A
local gunsmith tried to fix this but couldn't, though I got the impression that
he knew less about Broomhandles than I do.
Any suggestions will be much appreciated.
Commygun, is the trigger/sear/sear lever linkage actually moving when you pull the trigger? If so, can you manually push the hammer forward when the trigger is pulled? George
As near as I can determine (by observing with
the sub frame in the grip frame and the barrel assembly off) the linkage does not
move when the trigger is pulled. Nor can the
hammer be pushed forward with the trigger
depressed.Any ideas? Thanks.
Commygun, not without inspecting the pistol. It sounds like your trigger just isn't connecting with/trippin the sear at all. The next thing I'd try is manualy tripping the sear. If that doesn't work then something is blocking the movement of the parts. You have to find out what that is and remove it. If it does work then you know the problem is with the sear/trigger engagement and will probably require a new one or the other. Or some build up and recutting of the old parts. George
The sear lever (disconnector) is kept in the sear by the frame and by a little undercut in the sear itself. It can't come out when the gun is assembled unless there is some kind of mis-fitting.

Does the disconnector actually come to its forward position? Did you replace that V spring? If so, the end of the top limb has to be shaped properly to cam the disconnector forward. If it is too short, too long or not shaped right, the disconnector will not come forward for proper engagement with the trigger.

Also, make sure the front of the trigger spring is in its slot properly and the spring is not backed up over the rear of the trigger.

If you replaced springs, go back to the old ones except for the recoil spring. Arbitrary spring replacement, especially those which have to be carefully fitted, is not always a good idea, not matter what some people say.

I don't know what you mean by "built up" but I hope you didn't weld onto any parts unless you really know what you are doing. Those parts are hard tempered and heat will ruin them.

BTW, that gun is an example of a good idea (no screws, no pins) carried to absurdity.


[This message has been edited by Jim Keenan (edited March 28, 2000).]