Broken wrists! How to defend thyself?


New member
Well, as some of you may know, I deliver subs by bicycle for a place called Jimmy Johns. We have a reputation for being super fast freaks on bikes who zip around campus at breakneck speed wearing black in the wee hours delivering subs to drunk guys and sorority girls. Anyway I wrecked my bike one night hitting a turn at about 30 mph and went over the handlebars breaking both wrists taking out three teeth and doin some other minor damage.
I had surgery on one wrist, the other is out of commission I have bonding for teeth and am on painkillers like crazy.
My question is I cannot handle my firearm safely anymore, nor can I handle my ASP or Emerson Commander. My training is basically useless with no hands to defend myself. (BTW I can barely type, its very difficult.) I can maybe adapt and use the splints to parry blades or suck, but probably not since movement is limited. What should I do to defend myself should the need arise. I feel helpless, yet I don't let that attitude escape except onto this board. My buddies in ROTC still think Im a nuthatch, especially since I am writing this off to eveyone as "no big deal". Heck, I can't wait to heal up so I can get back on my bike!!!
Any and all input is appreciated, it will make me feel a little better, but still nothing like having my .40 S&W tucked in close at my side.
Sounds like OC spray for you. Assuming you have an index finger and working thumb to hold and operate it with. If you can hold a flashlight, not to swing it, but just a really superbright light, than that works wonders at deterring vermin as I've described in other posts.

If not, you might have to get a loud whistle and practice avoidance for a while.

Also, since you're not delivering (I'm assuming), what are you doing that'd put you at increased risk? I've lived in some real hellholes and have yet to run into any situation that would require a gun. There's even been a few times when a gun would have caused more problems than it would have solved. NOT to say that it (SHTF situation) can't or won't happen, just that the likelyhood of it happening while unable to use a gun is miniscule.

Too many people, I think, are relying on firearms to save their asses at the expense of developing non-firearm skills like risk avoidance. Being unable to rely on the crutch of the gun right now shouldn't be seen as a handicap, rather as an opprotunity to learn new skills.

But, if hellbent on using the gun, perhaps you could attach a velcro panel to your gun hand splint, the other panel attaching to the guns grip. If needed, you stick the two together to get the gun out, it helps keep it in your hand, and you could get off at least one shot if needed before the gun flies out of your hand from the recoil. Just an idea that may, or may not, work.
Well, Im not hellbent on needing a firearm, and I do paractice very good avoidance. I have backed out of many situations here in the area. I live off campus of the college which is fairly safe. However I do have some rather interesting neighbors, one who forced his way into my house one night while under the influence of many things who insisted that his beaten face was the result of my fists pummeing him. Granted it wasn't, but it was about to be if he didn't leave. I also almost killed my r/m for leaving the door unocked when he came in that night. Anyway, I should be fine, but I would like to have ideas for options in case I can not de-escalate a situation.
Although I am not a pepper spray fan, it does sound like your most viable option. Avoidance will, of course, be even more beneficial. If you get in a hand to hand combat situation, crack them in the head with your cast(s). It might screw up your wrists again, but it is still better than dieing for your wallet. If you do have to use a cast as a weapon, try a nice solid strike. Avoid letting it twist on you.
You are a good example of why one learns to use their hands and feet for fighting. You can still block with your elbows, kick, knee, and elbow an attacker IF you have trained for that. If not, well you can always bite. Your kicks would be low or high as now to strike an opponets head, you will have to kick to that level.

Now do you see the wisdom for learning a martial art? Do you also see the wisdom of learning to shoot with either hand?

I suggest if you intend to use a gun, get a wrist brace and a .22 simi-auto and try. As for other readers of this, learn least this happen to you.

Well, I can NORMALLY shoot with both hands, but I can't even grip a handgun... ANY handgun. And I can use my feet and knees to some degree...but FMA doesn't stress it. And to be perfectly truthful it is for good reason because only very rarely are feet used in your average fight. Hard to "defang the serpent" with your feet when they are trying to punch you in the face. I will always bite, only concerns are all the diseases, but thats the least of my worries in the heat of the moment.

Basically What I think I am getting at is this stinks.:mad:
broken wrist defense

Eat a lot of humble pie and carry the bear spray.

Forgot what their website is, but look under bear attacks.

At least you'll find out who your true friends are.
Make up some nasty-looking fake boils out of rubber cement and hobby paints. Place them on your face.

Don't shower.

Take hair from morning shavings and cram it in your nose, leaving approximately 1/4" of each hair sticking out of nostrils. Uneveness is key here.

During dining times, let food drip from your mouth onto clothes.

Don't change clothes.

That keep'm away from you until you heal. ;)

Well, it is a little late now to start, but this is a good lesson for everyone. One can kick as fast a punching, one can step sideways and deliver kicks to the legs, diaphram, head, ribs and such, but only if one is well practice in footwork. Real good footwork.

Again, get into a good martial art NOW. Just in case. I once broke my right hand and that evening, I tried to shoot my Colt Commander left handed. I was pitiful. That is when I learned to start shooting with my left, just in case.

The same applies to any type of fighting. Learn to use your legs, your hands, knees, elbows. Learn to use locks and holds. Understand throws and ground fighting. Do it NOW, for it will take years to get good.

Start learning to shoot with either hand, NOW, for it takes time to be effective with your weak side.

LOL, nice ideas guys.
No the dog probably wouldn't take to the Bike very well, but since I don't ride it doesn't matter.
Always did want to get a good trained dog though. Train it in German.
Casts on broken wrists?
First question has to be "Who is your very, very significant other?
Cause as a friend of mine, shattered both when thrown from horse, said "When you gotta go who do you get to handle the details?" It would be likely that this person would also handle the small matter of self defense.

Second question would be what type of cast are we talking about. If a soft cast you might be limited in actions. If a hard cast then when you have to hit someone there's nothin like a couple of bricks.
Ouch! My neighbor did the same thing playing tennis ( Fell backwards, put arms back to break fall, broke both wrists in the process).

LA_Sur5r's advice is good, coupled with the observation about "Handling the details" - have your SO cover your 6.

OTOH, if you have a fibreglass cast, there are all sorts of interesting things that can be laminated/glassed into or on it to act as strriking or cutting surfaces. Think it through though, you don't want to be a hazzard to yourself:D

One last bit of advice from an old phart who is paying for the excesses of youth (blew out my quadraceps tendon last Friday and am in a hip to toe cast at the moment) - give yourself time to heal and take your phys. therapy seriously. The time you DON"t invest in healing you will pay for over and over later in life. Best wishes for a speedy recovery.
Thanks Mike,

As a pretty active person, I have had more than my fair share of sports related injuries. However this is by far the worst. I know all about the importance of PT and will go reiligiously once it is time for that.

Thanks again
what are you worried about? whan was the last time you had to defend yourself? Do we really have to tell you how to defend yourself? There are a millon and a half things you can do, ok maybe a bit less, but a whole lot that can be done.
One never knows, Mr. Botz. At the moment (9:44 AM EST) my neighborhood is swarming with cops, i.e. helicopter circling close overhead, two B&W's and a motorcycle patrolman down in the cul-de-sac, motor patrolman blocking cul-de-sac (50 yds from my front door), lots of other police going by.

I live in a 'nice' neighborhood just inside the beltway in N. VA, and this is quite unusual. I am on crutches and really can't do much more than deadbolt the doors and sit here with my trusty H&K .45. At least I can hold a gun:cool:

If we could pick the time & place for TSHTF, there wouldn't be much of a 'crime problem', eh Mr. Botz?

Update: Apparently some sort of car chase ending with the perp(s) bailing and hotfooting it thru the 'hood, K-9 showed up around 10:30 and are still sniffing around down in the court. Happiness is H&K on the hip;)
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Hmm. I rarely read or post in this section, but this is an interesting question..

First, broken wrists huh? Well, the first thing I recommend is, you find yourself a very good asian restaurant near by that sells beef tendon in noodle soup, and you make that your dinner for the next 2 months. While there are many little small bones in the wrists, most of the stuff that is really badly damaged is tendon, which is REALLY hard to heal if it heals at all. Your body's production of tendon is generally less than what you wear away during normal exercise, let alone an attempt at cartilage and tendon repair. You can take glucosamine (sp??) condroten, and gelatin, but you really can't get it in large enough quantities to really benefit your situation. So I recommend you get use to the taste and texture of beef tendon, and have it for about 2 months. I have never had my wrists broken (Actually I have never had a broken bone in my life) I've never even so much as spranged an ankle. I am chinese, and my intake of tendon is pretty high, and that has kept me out of a lot of trouble.. I'm a programmer, and I type for basically a living. I average about 120 wpm on a good day, and about 95 wpm on a bad day. There was a point when I had carpel-tunnel so bad that the doctor said i will need a wrist fusion or else I will have to find another profession. BULLSH*T! Don't believe them, they don't know what they are talking about. I am typing this right now at about 100wpm, and my wrists no longer hurt. Beef Tendon for dinner almost every night, or else seaweed on the nights that I don't have it. Also, a packet of Knox gelatin in my OJ for breakfast, and in my tea at night. 2 months. Your hair will be thicker and fuller, (and grow back some if you don't have any) your skin will be better, your nails will be better, and most importantly, your wrists will be better. If you are not prone to beef tendon (which is too bad, since it tastes great, and is the easiest way to have such high volume of tendon intake) then do 2-3 knox packets a day for at least 1 month, preferably 2. 1 box is about $10, so you will need about 2 boxes. If your wrists is not worth $20 in experimentation, then don't bother with anything else, you don't love yourself enough to care.

The second thing I would recommend, is one of the ground fighting techniques. I have taken wrestling (the Olympic stuff, not WWF, although I love to watch WWF) and stuff like Jujitsu, Brazilian Grappling. For example, in a fight, I generally start with a double leg takedown. While that requires grabbing, I generally don't have to. Squat, push, hit, arm wrap, pickup, slam. I can do that without the use of my hands, only arms. Seconds, I can do a sidestep armbar and take someone down, again without the use of hands, and of course, either a sliding side kick, or a flying knee to the face with a head pull, all can be done without hands...

So up your tendon and gelatin intake, and learn some ground fighting techniques, 'cause I can tell you all fights almost always end up on the ground, just look at UFC...

wear a claymore mine on your chest and if anyone tries to start something point to your casts and say "the grenade didnt work good enough last time so now I wear a mine. Do you really want to die."
When I was many years younger, I broke my left wrist in a football game. I was in cast up to my arm & I went to the aid of a friend being picked on. I was afraid of the pain of blocking or useing the cast in a fight but the punk was even more afraid I would use it. If you don't already know it after you get out of the casts they will be weak & fragile for quite a while, so take extra care. I re-broke the same wrist in a fight shortly after I got it out of the cast. Best of luck in the mean time.