Broke my 442!


New member
I went to the range today with my S&W 442-1 (airweight, .38 spcl pre-ban 5 shot revolver). The weapon has been VERY reliable and, unfortunately, is the only one listed on my CCW. After getting off around 30-40 rounds, I thought I had a misfire. I pulled the trigger and only a click. So I hold the gun facing down range for about a minute - misfires have happened before with the range ammo. Still nada. Reluctantly, I pull the cylinder out to see the primer hasn't even been pinged on the cartridge.

I unloaded the gun and on closer inspection I found the firing pin was part exposed. The trigger has no weight to it anymore, and the pin doesn't move. Once in a while, I'll feel a really hard almost grinding feeling and the hammer will release. It doesn't feel like the hammer (internal) is moving at all.

So here I am w/out my primary and only CCW gun. Does anyone know how fast S&W can turn this thing around? What's it going to cost me? And what the heck could the problem be? Has anyone experienced any similar problem

Granted, I've fired a lot of rounds through the gun in the little over a year that I have owned it. But I don't shoot the +P ammo and take VERY good care of it. At least I thought I did. I purchased it brand new, too.

Thank you!

Smith & Wesson should repair it free-of-charge, under their "800" number, and explain to the nice Customer Service people about it being your ONLY authorized CCW weapon and request "Priority Repair"...they SHOULD even give you a FedEx authorization number so that the shipping is at their expense...they'll work on it the day it is received, and turn it around very should only be without your 442 for 3-5 days...let us know how they treat you!!!....mikey357
Several years ago (before the sellout agreement) I had a 642 where the frame cracked where the barrel is attached, also shooting regular non +p ammo. S&W to their credit took all the non-damaged parts and put them on a new frame at no charge to me, and they even refunded my shipping charges to them. The whole process took about a week. The repaired gun has about 1,000 rds + or - through it with no damage.
I had a relatively new (less than 100 rounds) 442 lock up on me last year. I had put about 10 rounds through it at that particular range session. The trigger seized and would not budge. I got rid of it and never looked back.
Just a note about S&W service

Three years ago I purchased a second hand M586. I tryed and tryed and could not get it to shoot. So I send it to the S&W service centre. They discovered that the barrel was mounted at an angle. They replaced the old gun with a new one no questions asked. In my book, that's not bad!
Send your M442 back.
Here is an update to anyone who is interested:

I ended up shipping the 442 back to S&W via FedX, priority overnight on the 19th with specific instructions for the 911 priority repair. They got it on the 20th and yes, I had to pay for the shipping.

Today, on the 28th, I got a call from someone over there. Apparently, they had to change out the frame! I've only fired +P ammo out of it maybe 5 times - period! Even at that, it is suppose to take +P ammo. I wonder what happened? The guy on the phone didn't know. I have fired several hundred rounds of regular ammo, but always did my best to take care of the weapon.

He called me because since the gun has a new frame (do you think they are just sending me a new gun???), it also has a new s/n. This means I have to have it sent to a FFL! No biggy, the range I go to said they would accept it for me.

So the weapon is due back day after tomorrow. Here is the kicker: My Kali CCW has the s/n of my broken gun on it. Now since I did the range qualification maybe 4 1/2 months ago, and since this is the exact same make and model gun, I figured I would walk in to the sheriff's office and simply get the paperwork changed, right? WRONG! I have to go down to the sheriff range all over again on Tuesday and re-qualify!

I guess it could be worse: I could have to go through all the nightmare of applying again. This is more like changing weapons on the permit. But, come on! It's the same make and model! I could see if I was adding a new glock or something...which I'm not. I'm simply replacing a broken gun with another one of the same make/model from the manufacturer.

Anyhow, the saga continues. As usual, the people at the San Diego Sheriffs office were very friendly and polite on the phone. I think it just comes down to rules are rules.

What do you think?

Well, how interesting...I'd be REAL INTERESTED to know exactly what the problem was with the 442...especially since I carry one every day, all day!!! As far as the permit, well...I just thank GOD I don't live in the People's Republik of Kalifornia!!!....mikey357
Move to Virginia...

You don't have to register specific handguns on a CCW here. Thank God for the Commonwealth! Whew! And I thought some of our laws were stupid...
...and the saga continues

Ok....we all know that S&W had to send the gun they warranty replaced back to a FFL because of the new S/N. GET THIS: I have to go through a whole new 10 day wait for this gun that I have already owned and is listed on my Kali CCW because it has a new S/N!

So this 10 day wait could hurt because after I get the gun, I have to go back and re-qualify with it - yep - at the sheriff's office for my CCW. So today I purchased a Glock30.

The guy at the gun store where I do all my biz said he would go with me so I can at least qualify with them and not have to wait another month. This way I can at least be packing again by the 13th.

Isn't is wonderful that all those people just doing their jobs and following the rules are so polite. The enforcers in a police state are often like that. So polite. So deadly.

BarrySDCA just imagine what would happen if your 442 wasn't on the approved SB15 list, they may of said no to allowing it at all. It is a good idea to have three or four listed so if you need to send one in you will have a couple of others to choose from. MWT
lesson learned

I have most definately learned a lesson here. I am now w/out a CCW weapon for at least 15 days total (5 to get it repaired + 10 for the Kali wait).

Unfortunately, this means the gun won't be released to me until the 13th. Get this: The sheriff range qualification is on the first Tuesday of each month! So I would normally have to wait a whole month before I could qualify w/it again and get the new S/N listed!


I went down to my friendly gun store and purchased a new Glock 30! The owner of the gun store agreed to come down with me on Tuesday (so the gun is never legally out of his posesion during the wait) and let me qualify with both weapons. This will keep me from waiting that extra month to get my perfectly valid Kali CCW adjusted.

I should add that I didn't originally purchase the 442 from the gun store and he was going to come down with me to the range, anyway, just to help me out! What service! It was only then that I told him I wanted the G30 and I would be there ASAP. They even have an indoor range, so at least I can shoot it before hand and get used to it. I put 100 rounds through the G30 last night...what a dream gun!

The 442, by the way, still hasn't arrived, even though S&W promised it would be there on Friday. Go figure. If it's not there by Tuesday AM, I'm SOL till next month.

Ask me if I'll carry it, don't ask me. :) I have a valid reason for a CCW and no "loop hole" in the law is going to put me at any risk. I think any jury would agree.

Did S&W tell exactly what caused the damage to the frame or why?

Also in your first message you state your 442 is (airweight, .38 spcl pre-ban 5 shot revolver)
What the heck, a pre-ban revolver, could you explain this to me?

I live in Nevada and we are only allowed 2 firearms on our CCW and the permit is good for five years, I carried my 442 as a back up for five years, the last renewal I replaced it with a Glock27. So be careful that Glock 30 just might send your 442 to the safe:)
I've got a valid reason for my CCW, also-I'm a human being.

Man, I thought the hoops in Georgia were onerous-no training, no qualification, no restrictions on number of handguns. Looks like I'd have to move to Vermont to do better.
by pre-man, I mean pre-sellout, etc.. I purchased the 442 back in 99, which I think is before S&W sold out to the Communists.

Nobody has told me, yet, what happened to the frame. I still will have no problem trusting the gun as a CCW, if that is what you are asking. I think it was just a fluke. I still hold the 442 in high regard.

On the other hand....

I went back to the range today and shot another 500 rounds out of my new G30. The 442 is definately going in the safe for the really hot days or, I dunno, just in the safe for now. Maybe by the night stand. Move over bacon (442), hear comes some real fun (G30). I've already ordered the CCW scarbard holster from Kramer Leather. :-]

You folks better ban Together and get some laws changed.

Here in washington state if you want a CCP its the same requirement as buying a gun, except for a 30 day wait. There is no qualifing, no Classes. Just go down to the sheriff's office, fill out a form, get Finger printed and pay $60.00 if your not a felon 30 days later you have a CCP. You do not have to register any one gun. You can Carry a differant gun each day if you like.

Stop The Erosion of our Second Amendment Rights

Best Tony

He's in Kalifornia. Most of the folks there are anti-gun. I'm sure they're fighting as hard as they can, but they're bailing a sinking ship with a teacup. Same thing here in MA.

This is the same story that I've heard about the S&W 442. It breaks when subjected to frequent range trips and the use of +P ammunition. The aluminum alloy frame and steel cylinder just can't hold up to repeated use. Get S&W's all stainless steel version for practice and carry the 442. However, I'd recommend the hammerless Ruger SP-101 .357 magnum. You can't break that tough gun.

The trigger on the Ruger SP-101 isn't as smooth as the S&W. However, you can always spend about $100 on a trigger job for the Ruger if that concerns you. The Ruger is UNBREAKABLE!

Good luck with your California purchase.
finally arrived

Well the 442 has finally arrived to my FFL dealer, the range I go to. It has the same barrel, same cylinder, except the frame is different. This time the s/n is not stamped, or at least does not appear to be stamped, in the frame but printed with white ink.

Anyway, I can't take the thing home until the evening of the 12th, along with my new G30 (and new primary CCW weapon).

Get this: After tomorrow 4PM, I will have both the G30 and 442 listed on my CCW (someone from the dealer is coming with me to the qualification for legal reasons)....BUT...I won't be able to take either gun home until the 12th. HA!

The only explanation that came with the 442 was a letter saying they choose to destroy the old frame and have issued this new frame as a warranty repair. Go figure.

It's official!

Well, get this: Today my friendly gun shop where I'm having the 10 day wait done on the returned and repaired 442 is being done escorted me down to the Sheriff's range along with my brand new G30. I get to legally take both guns home on the evening of the 12th.

Anyway, today the Sheriff changed the S/N from my broken 442 to the new one and added the new G30.

So I may just be the only guy in Kali with a CCW for two weapons that he can't even take home yet!

Ha! Only in Kali!
