
I just picked a zbrouovka brno a.s.vz.24 rifle and I can't find out what caliber it is. serial # XR20805. I believe its a 8mm but not sure and any information will be greatly appreciated.
Unless it has been altered, it's a pretty good bet the caliber is 8x57JS. The VZ24 was available in 7x57 and 7.65x53, but those are pretty rare.

Of course, many milsurp rifles have been reworked, re-barreled or re-chambered over the years, so if there is doubt, have a gunsmith run a chamber cast to make sure.

Slug the barrel to be sure. 8mm will slug at .323". 7.65mm Argentine at .313". 7mm Mauser at .284". The crest on the receiver will help too.
After the Nazis took over Czechoslovakia, they put the Czech arms industry to use arming their forces. A couple of the Panzer divisions that invaded France and later Russia were equipped with Czech built tanks.

The vz 24 in 8mm Mauser was a "substitute standard" for a lot of German units. I have one with WaffenAmt markings. Good gun, very slightly different from the Mauser built K98k.

Recommend taking it to a gunsmith to have the headspace checked, and caliber verified. If its still in its military trim, odds are very high its an 8mm Mauser (8x57JS)
It might be as accurate to say that the British and the French gave Czechoslovakia to the Germans. Anyway, the Germans continued VZ-24 production for a year or so, but as soon as they could converted Czech production to the standard K.98k.
