British Parent Company Hoping to unload Smith & Wesson


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British Parent Co. looking to unload S&W.

Hoping to get out from under pending litigation, as more cities sue the fire arms industry with ,what some feel is frivious litigation,an unidentified source said Smith & Wesson may be put up for sale by
its owner, The English conglamorate Tomkins PLC.

A London newspaper sugested that the sale might realize more than $160 Million.

Officials at S&W at first said that they knew nothing of such plans but
then S&W CEO Ed Shultz finally spoke with officials at parent company Tompins.

Tompins PLC announced last week that it was refocusing on business and automotive products. They are going to divest themselves of companies that dont fit into that focus when they have an opportunity, but there is
nothing ongoing with S&W at this
One gets the feeling that S&W could be sold as soon as, or when ever the opportunity arrives and I bet
some feel, the sooner the better; however , this is meerly speculation on my part at this point in time.
Anyone want to bet that Im right?

P>S> My condolences in advance to S&W workers. Prehaps you should start looking into alternate employment just in case-- Boy Scout Moto--Be Prepaired for the
Worst & pleasently suprised if it does not happen.

In 2000, we must become
politically active
in support of gun rights
or we WILL LOSE the right
& the freedom.


Every year,over 2 million Americans use firearms
to preserve life,limb & family.Gun Control Democrats
would prefer that they are all disarmed and helpless and die,instead.

ernest2, Conn. CAN opp. "Do What You Can"!
If I had 160 million... I would buy it.
make some changes to the S&W line up...
And wrap all guns individually with a seal like MicroSoft does - By opening this package you agree to the liscensing agreement... blah blah blah - through in some layer-speak and basically say "I wont hold the company to blame if I or anyone acts like an idiot or IS an idiot and miss-uses the gun.
Sorry - you cant sue us.. .it was unwrapped. You agreed to the contract. Note: this goes for communities and municipalities as well! Sorry Chicago - you cant sue because 75 of your officers are packing our hardware that the city purchased and agreed to the contract by opening the wrapping.

I would also change that S&W 945 - have them make a real damned 1911... price it about 600 bucks out the door. Instead of the over priced sissyfied dandy they are puttin out...

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
Actually that sounds like fun!
Anyone got 160 million to loan me?
Aw - come on! No one wants a .44 magnum Smith & Kodiac model 29?

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
George has a point. I just purchased a SW99 and in looking throught the manual I could see several repeated sentences warning of responsible use, storage, etc.. I would think they could use the manual to help defend the company. The lawsuit is ignorant anyways. The prosicution probably would say the gun owner couldn't read.