Bring your Tums and come over to this forum:

Great site to do a verbal battle with the antis I recomend we all go there and overwhelm them with our pro-gun syndicates.
I'm going in a second, but let's not forget who runs this site. This was the guy who wrote the article about how he understands the 2nd Amendment because he's a Revolutionary war re-enactor so he knows we're only supposed to have Brown Bess Muskets.
Just reminding you that the guy in charge is only out for shock value, so don't expect too much. That said, here I go. (Where's DC?)


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron
Left my messages and I'll be leaving many more....We need to continue to hammer them as hard as they hammer us. (Dan)

To own firearms is to affirm that freedom and liberty are not gifts from the state.
Yeah, whoever is running that site is a friggin idiot. He is trolling over at the newsgroups for people to come to his site. He even published a pro-gun article on his site to make it look fair, and has no embarassment of admitting that he did it only to "appear" fair (he is anti-gun). The site is run by an idiot, but I figure we could overwhelm them with a little logic before they go and pat themselves on the back too much.
Hmmm...far be it from me to raise any hate and discontent. Think I'll surf on over and be polite and understanding...yeah, right.
Got some of the guys from Glock Talk to come over and give their .02 cents in. Seems as if we have overwhelmed their board with our pro-gun salutes. Lets keep up of the fight and continue to discredit their irrational arguments.
I think we have done well. For every stupid anti-gun comment there are about 10 factual statements for the 2nd amendment. I found most of the "educated anti-gunners"(LOL) end up killing their view points with their own statistics. My favorite is the guy who speaks of youth gun accidents and then states the ages are from 15-25. That's youth? And what constitutes an accident?

If a "youth" is shot in a drive by, that's an accident. By the way, they actually do consider that an accident.

Just makes me glad I'm on the side with a little commen sense.

Proud to be a TFL'r

"It is easier to get out of jail then it is a morgue"
Live long and defend yourself!
John 3:16
It is beyond Tums. Emetrol may not be up to the task.

I went. I read some. I left. I Lysol'd my entire computer system.
Have you People noticed that none of the Good Anti's have copme out to play.

Just keep going and the bourd will either die a quick an quiet death or it will be come another Pro human rights board. Either way we win.
Where's my blood pressure pills? The anti's comments over at that site as well as in other communication medias are mostly based on pure emotion. I'm really glad to see that so many pro-gun people from this site have responded with intelligent and factual arguments to refute the anti's emotionalism. I'm in the process of formulating my own post for them. Great job guys - keep it up!
There is a quality pro-gun article posted. How many of us would have the stomach to put an anti-gun article on our page? I certainly wouldn't. I'll give him that, at least.

As usual, almost all anti-gun arguments are based solely on emotion, and cite little or no facts. They compare international death rates without recognizing the cultural factors (with the exception of the article with Switerzerland in it), and, most importantly do not give any instance of any place that has experienced a decrease of crime following a ban. I've never heard any anti-gunner give any statistics showing that happening.
Down boys! If he is using his site for the purpose of stockpileing ammo in his gun owners are ignorant, undisciplined rednecks crusade, don't give it to him. Practiced well reasoned, principled argument. I'm happy to learn of the site. I think it could be very productive. He provides a forum for people to debate the issues of the day. Everyone can profit.