Bring out the Bobtail 1911s


New member
Here are my Bobtail 1911s (a Sig Nightmare Carry, a Dan Wesson CBOB, a S&W 1911SC E-Series, and a Kimber Super Carry Pro HD). I own non Bobtail 1911s as well, but I figured a pic thread specifically tailored to bobtailed 1911s would be a little different and refreshing for a change. Let's see your Bobtails.:D



I've been considering a Kimber carry gun for some time, and this thread must have gotten me fired up again. I ordered a Master Carry a couple days ago. Now if I can just get the dealer to ship the darned thing I'll find out if it's worth the money. I do know the Crimson Trace grips will have to go right away...I'm not a red dot fan. I'll probably post them for sale on one of these forums at a good price as soon as I get the package in the mail. I've already ordered a set of replacement grips.
In my mind Dan Wesson make some darned nice Bobtails. The discontinued CBOB is one of my favorites, followed very closely by the Guardian.
JWT, I like them so good that I don't really care to have anything else. I had a Heritage and sold it because the Valor kept calling to me. Perfect trigger.:D
Bought this new for $450 OTD four years ago and have been shooting the snot out of it ever since. I have shot 185, 200 and 230 grain bullets through it in just about all the different configurations of lead, jacketed and hollow point ammo and it has yet to miss a lick.

I have the DW Guardian 9mm. It's a really nice piece of work. For carry I prefer the HK p7m8; it's safer with a round in the chamber and is more accurate. At least my HK is.