
Edmund Rowe

New member
How expensive are fully-transferable pre-86 Bren guns in either .303 or 7.62 NATO?
I saw one at a Class 3 dealer's table at a recent gunshow and didn't think to ask until it was too late.

I'm sure I don't have the $$$ for one but for grins I might as well price some of them.

I thought maybe BARs are unpopular but I heard they go for like $20,000!! And I thought MP-5s were pricey! :(

All NFA, federal, state, and local laws apply. All mother-may-I steps will be followed strictly. No illegal activity intended. blah blah blah.

Very expensive! ;)

Guns cause crime like spoons cause Rosie O'Donnell to be fat!


May your lead always hit center mass and your brass always land in your range bag.
Edmund, I have an original Inglis Bren in .303cal., I effectionately refer to it as "(Big)Bertha".(due to it's weight) It has the shipping crate armouers kit and extra barrel. The barrels only have about 1/3 of the rifling (forward end)left due to full auto scouring.

I purchased it from my old rifle coach 9 years ago for $800.00.CDN

The only problem is it had the selector altered for SA fire only.

Want a Canadian history lesson?? Way back in 1978 the Canadian Government passed a law registering and "grandfathering" all current fullauto owners & banning the importation of any further form civilian possession. This term refers to ownership, the registered person can possess & buy from other "grandfathered persons". When the person passes on, the firearms can be donated to a museum, taken on as part of a collection of another grandfathered person or destroyed/deactivated.

The other option in 1978 was to have a gunsmith permenitly alter the selector so as to fire SA only. Thus the above law did not apply.

The real kicker was two years after I picked this up yet more legislation came down and a list was formed to restrict or prohibit a number of guns. They ended up "grandfathering " my altered Bren and registering/restricting most if not all military look-a-like wanta be's. (civilian mfg. AR, AK,M1) BUT, now last year came yet even "better" legislation. All of these register/restricted firearms were "grandfathered" with a wave of a pen. "These hold no legitiment sporting purpoes". NOT MY QUOTE !!!!

Be Safe, Be Trained

Life is's alot tougher if you don't know how to shoot.

[This message has been edited by Tackleberry (edited February 06, 2000).]