Bren Ten - start praying for resurrection


New member
Besides arguably being the best cop show of all time, its things like this that have made a difference. Besides Testa Rossa's predictably appreciating 200%, maybe young kids will want to learn how to drive stick again. And MAYBE, just MAYBE if we're lucky there will be honest renewed interest in the Bren Ten somebody will actually remake the thing. Or, they'll become even more unobtanium. Still, my Friday nights just became booked again. :D
A new Bren Ten repro "should" be out this year.
It's built by Chuck Warner, and called Combat Service Pistol, which is what the .45 ACP prototype Bren was called, before Cooper decided it should be a .40/Ten, instead.
If so, it'll be the third time someone's promised to bring it back. Vltor promised one in 2010, and it still hasn't materialized. A company called Elite Warrior Armament posted some prototype pictures around 2017, but nothing ever came to market.

Honestly, at this point, I'd just settle for someone making replacement magazines for the things.
FWIW, I had a Bren Ten and didn't think it was the greatest. IMHO 10mm pistols that came after are better guns. If someone did reintroduce the Bren ten, I wouldn't be in the market.....ymmv

The original magazines were supposed to work reliably with both .45 and 10mm. Didn't work out so well. I toured the plant and worked SHOT with D&D one year, but can't remember the other details of the magazine issues now.....
If so, it'll be the third time someone's promised to bring it back. Vltor promised one in 2010, and it still hasn't materialized. A company called Elite Warrior Armament posted some prototype pictures around 2017, but nothing ever came to market.

Voit (the basketball company) made a pass at it, too, before Vltor.
Elite Warrior Armament WAS Chuck Warner, now dba Combat Service Pistol. He got out 50 of a kinda sorta BHP and some 1911s, so he can do the work, but he isn't going to put a pistol in every pot, even those who can afford it.
Cool pistols. I've got a couple unfired in the box

Considering what they're selling for now, they will stay unfired.

It would be nice, but I wouldn't hold my breath for it.

Why did D&D have trouble with the magazines for their Bren Ten?
If I remember correctly, D&D was
out of money and needed the mags
bad. It might have been MecGar
but anyway D&D was told to pay
for the mags up front and it
Meh, Brens I don't collect gun safe flamingos, I buy shooters to shoot the snot out of 'em . 10mm is a unique cartridge IMO and pairs so nicely with my Kimber Target II long slide .
Unfortunately, the Bren Ten coming back into production is about as likely as the DeLorean DMC, another 80s icon. A return to production has been hyped up time and again with whoever acquires the rights, but so far it has never come to fruition, and I'm doubtful that it ever will.

At this point, anyone who wants a Bren Ten would be better served buying a Tanfoglio Witness 10mm, since that's the closest thing to a Bren Ten in production.

If by some chance the Bren Ten does at long last return, then I fear that history will repeat itself, with Bren Tens being in short supply, high demand, and quite possibly with issues due to rushed production.
Meh, Brens I don't collect gun safe flamingos, I buy shooters to shoot the snot out of 'em . 10mm is a unique cartridge IMO and pairs so nicely with my Kimber Target II long slide .

Well considering I paid about a fifth of what they’re worth now, I’m very happy a collected a couple.

I have some 10mm shooters, but I don’t do Kimbers. Not exactly pistols I consider durable.
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Agreed on the Tanfoglio comment. Witness metal and poly at 400 and the nice Hunter, Elite, Pro, 50k other variants blah blah blah.

Actual guns that actually exist and actually have worked even with a soiled history on the square slide crack issue.
About the only way the Bren Ten-like the Auto Mag-will resurrect is if some "well established" company brings it back. IIRC Dornaus and Dixon had financing problems, I have read of Harry Sanford that he was a gifted designer but not that good a businessman.
I am awaiting its reappearance. Chuck told me that the pistol would be available to more than just those who pre-ordered them. I am skeptical.