I have spent a good deal of time debating fence setters and anti-gun folk as to the meaning of the words, grammar, and intent of the Second Amendment, often times I find both groups making the same mistakes, some more intentional than others. Some people honestly don't understand the details, some like to make up their own interpretations and logic be damned. Anyways, I made this video as a shorthand for myself that I can send someone to who is unsure, confused, or downright defiant. I know that I'll never change the latter, but guncite.com has so many well sourced citations, that when others read the obstinate person's post afterwards and the stubborn one is still sticking to their misguided 'guns', it makes them look like the unreasonable one in the debate (which is what I find is one of the most useful tools when debating people). Anyways, give it a watch, let me know what you think, and if you find it useful, feel free to link to it whenever you find someone who doesn't have a firm grasp behind the meaning of the Second Amendment.