Breakfree CLP and Tertra Gun Oil


New member
Does anybody know if Breakfree CLP or Tetra Gun (oil and grease) contain cancer causing agents? Also, out of the two, which one works better? Which one soaks into the metal and stays put without gumming better?
Lots of people love Breakfree. I hate it. I've seen the teflon form a lump at the bottom and refuse to mix with the carrier oil. No thanks.

Tetra is good stuff, and I used it a lot before I discovered Eezox. I do, however, still use the Tetra grease.

I don't know anything about cancer-causing agents, but then again I don't care. Heck, even tap water causes cancer these days....

I would recommend the Tetra over the Breakfree. It does bond with the metal and provides EXCELLENT protection. Breakfree does NOT bond with the metal.
Eezox CLP and Tetra Grease

I, too, use the EEZOX and Tetra Grease combo. For the bore, I use Tetra bore cleaner and then Tetra Oil. The EEZOX seems to last better on externals and as a general CLP.
When you said that Tetra bonds with the metal, were you talking about the Tetra grease or oil?

I am getting annoyed with the Breakfree because they dry out pretty fast. Will Tetra oil do that?

Can I subsitute Breakfree with Tetra oil to clean the bbl of my AR? I am trying to keep my cleaning products more "universal" so I do not have to have so many different products laying around.

The way I understand it, the additives in the carrier (grease OR oil) bond to the metal, and actually displace gunk from the pores in the metal. I used the oil in the barrel of my FAL, and it did exactly what the advertisements said it would do. The groups did become more consistent, and cleaning got easier. I still use the grease on my pistol slides, but for my rifles (esp. the precision stuff) I've switched to EEZOX. same protection as the Tetra, is an awesome cleaner, and dries without leaving residue (important when you realize most cold-bore deviation is caused by the excess lube in the barrel).

The neat thing about EEZOX is that, after it dries, you can put ANY OTHER OIL on it, and the other oil just beads up. It does this even after a cleaning with Sweet's solvent! No, it's not permanent, but it does last, and not even my trunk guns show any rust. I don't get nearly the lint-in-barrel problem I used to, either. My advice: EEZOX for cleaning/lube, Tetra grease for slides and heavy-friction points.