Break it down--Scariest field time


So I posted and asked for input on the funniest moment in the field....let's try scariest moment in the field.

Once I was assigned to a gang task force on a night raid on a gang house. It was supposed to be guarded with at least 8 pitbulls running loose so the Lt. said that he'd be point man with the then newly issued H & K suppressed MP5...we stacked behind him..and duck walked down the driveway in the dark.
We saw some shadowy figure come charging from behind a parked car and I saw the Lt. raised his weapon and fire a short burst. The suppressor did it's job, we barely heard the rounds going off.
The guards inside the house didn't hear the MP5 because they didn't even stop their card playing and carrying on.
The dog stopped, though, and walked back to the rear of one of those cars.
Then another dog charged, again the gun was fired. Same results, the dog stopped it's charge sort of casually and it walked off.
We found out later that both dogs did bleed out eventually.
That still left at least 6 more vicious dogs. The Lt. looked at the MP5 and motioned for everyone to draw their service weapons...I am not lucky enough to be permitted to carry a weapon...other than my Johnson (it'd only be an assault with a friendly weapon, though)
We continued the assault without further incident...seeems like the other dogs took one look at the first two and decided that they didn't want any part of what they got.
After the place was secured, we found that everyone in the entry team had sweated buckets because we all thought....if the MP-5's weren't working...then what?
Lt. felt that the team was too far committed though and he decided to finish up his mission.
A different line of work might be in order...or maybe, like the Surefire ads say, he can just take them out with the powerful light from his flashlight.