Break Free Cleaner

I was told this is the best gun cleaner. YET, it says nothing about removing copper and lead buildup. The can only mentions removing dirt. Does it remove copper and lead?
Nope. I also disagree that it is the best thing yet. I use EEZOX. Tetra (grease) and Remington (action cleaner) Gun Care products also find their uses around my shop. There are specific products for bore cleaning. Hoppes makes some with really good reputations.

God made us in his own image.
Thomas Jefferson made us free.
John Browning made us equal.

Without Browning, we might not know about the other two...
I use it all the time, but frankly it's a better lubricant than it is a cleaner.


Never mind. I was thinking CLP, not the Cleaner. Sorry...

[This message has been edited by JoeHatley (edited September 17, 2000).]
I have read all the propaganda for it plus was given a gallon of the stuff. I am inclined to think it has a tendency to evaporate over time, so leaves something to be desired as a lubricant. I am less than impressed with it as a cleaner. I use it for things that aren't critical.

What I use most is surplus 'oil, light, lubricating' that I got for 50 cents a gallon. GI bore cleaner used to be dirt cheap, too, and I still have a supply of that. I also made up some of Ed's Red as a bore cleaner and it seems as good as anything else.

Always wondered who had time to evaluate all these wonder products.