Brazillian Highwayman Pistols


Came across a great article on the modern usage of simple percussion muzzleloading pistols used by criminals in Brazil's underground to accost people and rob them. They use these crude homemade guns since modern cartridges are hard to acquire. Not exactly a very savory usage of modern muzzleloading guns, but still interesting that guns of this design are still used to kill/rob/rape people to this day:
Mein auge!

While crude and certainly effective for their purpose, the notable highwayman, Dennis Moore, would not be caught using any of them.
Heck why not? I carry my 1860 as defense AGAINST Brazillian Highwayman!

Well.. And protection against others as well.... But still! ;)
It just goes to show that even in 2017, muzzleloading weapons are still used to actually kill and intimidate other human beings, not just paper and animals.
And muzzle loaders can (and are) easily made in any small workshop if they cannot be bought. And black powder and priming powder are also easily made. Yep, the "ban guns" folks do have their work cut out for them!

A notable program could be instituted down there whereas the creators of the questionable firearms shown here could mend their ways and be put to work as trainees at Taurus. They definitely have creative instinct on their side...they would probably have to ditch the hose clamps though.