Brazil massacre


New member
A gunman killed twelve children in a school in Brazil and wounded many others.
Brazil has some of the strictest gun laws in the world.
In theory, he should not have had a gun at all.
So much for gun control laws.
BTW, for what it is worth. As a child (under 10 years old) in Chicago I built real shooting zip guns in our basement from scrap. I shot rats and bottles in the alley with them but they could have killed a person. Gun control? I hadn't even heard the words.

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I've fired a .22 caliber zipgun that scared the crap out of me. I'm sure some are better than others; but my 10 year old won't be playing with them alone. I think a nice Single Six would do much better.

As for the Brazil shooting, the children invovled and their families will be in my prayers. And it is a glaring example that no matter how many laws you have, you can't make guns not exist. And as long as guns exist, evil people will find a way to get them. And as long as there are evil people with guns, we need good people with guns to stop them from hurting other good people. I really don't understand what is so difficult about this concept.

If no guns exist at all, then evil people won't get them. See that's easy to understand.

How you do it - oh, didn't think of that?

Also, even law abiding citizens with guns are deranged - take them away from them. Why do they want them?

When guns are outlawed...

"Gun control"? Consider what these men had to say:

Mohandas K. ("Mahatma") Gandhi, a man whose name has become synonymous with non-violence and "passive resistance", said,
"Among the many misdeeds of the British rule in India, history will look upon the Act depriving a whole nation of arms as the blackest."

Consider what Vladimir Lenin (the man who coined the phrase "useful idiots" that so aptly describes most liberals) said:
"A system of licensing and registration is the perfect device to deny gun ownership to the bourgeoisie."

And let's have Adolf Hitler chime in on the topic as well:
"The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to allow the subject races to possess arms. History shows that all conquerors who have allowed the subject races to carry arms have prepared their own downfall by so doing. Indeed, I would go so far as to say that the supply of arms to the underdogs is a sine qua non for the overthrow of any sovereignty."

And consider this quote:
"If someone has a gun and is trying to kill you, it would be reasonable to shoot back with your own gun."

'Know who said that? It was none other than The Dalai Lama!
Very sad indeed, did he use a Taurus revolver? Most likely not because it would have failed on him like my 605 did.
Brazil has some of the strictest gun laws in the world.

Interesting stuff. I had no idea what Brazil's gun law were. A quick google and I found that
Although Brazil has 110 million fewer citizens than the United States, and more restrictive gun laws, there are 50% more gun deaths;[6] other sources indicate that homicide rates due to guns are approximately four times higher than the rate in the United States.


7. Rohter, Larry (October 20, 2005). "Gun-Happy Brazil Hotly Debates a Nationwide Ban". The New York Times. Retrieved 2008-06-18.

This little tidbit of information is something that you don't often hear from the Brady Campaign as they extol the virtures of gun registration and gun control.
So much for gun control laws

Its ironic the OP posted this dreadful event happening in Brazil with its strict guns laws. In his post he also mentions the 'City of Chicago'.

Google 'death by guns in Chicago' (or something similar) and you'll find Chicago's very strict gun laws, which are of the strictess in the U.S., is not/has not worked out very well for them either. But yet the elected officials keep instilling them:barf:

You'll be amazed to find the CITY of Chicago has more violent death by guns than most other States in the U.S.. Last I checked.
chicago also has a lot more people than most states. There is more involved.

I used to think the world would be better without cars and guns - 40k a year per in deaths? But horses and swords killed too, so there goes that theory.

sorry for the kids, there is no justification for that and it is pure evil. children are THE most precious thing on this planet. if you don't agree, make one yourself and look them in the eye and all else will seem like nothing.

and that is why i just purchased my 1st handgun in chicago. My wife told me, "do whatever it takes" to protect my family. And that is what I will do.
OP here.
Yes, it is a pity what has happened and continues to happen in Chicago.
In certain neighborhoods the sound of gunfire is almost constant. These are not sportsmen at a range, that is for sure.
For the most part the honest citizens do not have guns in Chicago.
If there is an upside, for the most part the bad guys are killing each other.

"I used to think the world would be better without cars and guns - 40k a year per in deaths? But horses and swords killed too, so there goes that theory.

sorry for the kids, there is no justification for that and it is pure evil. children are THE most precious thing on this planet. if you don't agree, make one yourself and look them in the eye and all else will seem like nothing.

and that is why i just purchased my 1st handgun in chicago. My wife told me, "do whatever it takes" to protect my family. And that is what I will do. "

Thanks Kinggabby.

And you are right, what low income, bad neighborhood, thief or drug dealer will legally register a handgun?
1. foid card - $10 and no felonies etc.
2. purchase - background check - forms - 3 day wait
3. $125-150 certification class with signed form.
4. $100 chicago gun permit - submitted in PERSON at the POLICE station
5. $15 gun registration per gun.

You could not get these guys even close to doing step 1. What a joke! I'm doing it cause i want to be legal but the ones who should are out buying illegal guns and shooting them at each other. Fine if they shoot each other, but on occassion they miss (the City of Chicago should give them free range time) and end up killing an innocent girl standing in her house.
These guys should be the targets, not me. - but don't get me started on gun laws.
A gunman killed twelve children in a school in Brazil and wounded many others.
Brazil has some of the strictest gun laws in the world.
In theory, he should not have had a gun at all.
So much for gun control laws.

Right. Laws don't work at all. I don't know why we bother with any of them. We have bank robbery control laws against robbing banks, but people keep doing it. We have speed control laws, but people keep speeding.

Yep, so what is the point of having laws if people will break them?