Brass to Face (1911)


I have a Springfield GI 1911 and it's been very reliable over several hundred rounds of good 'ol "they all fall to" 230 grain hardball.

But it squirts empty shells right at my face. :(

This is very disrespectful behavior and it has to be fixed! Anyone know how to make the brass come out consistently and not right at my head? I actually had some marks as they bounced off painfully the other day.


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Join up so you can post, then ask in the Gunsmithing discussion area. The short answer is that you take a file to the end of the ejector to change the angle, but if you have a full-size with a GI style ejector, I'm not prepared to suggest how to alter it. This is usually a problem with smaller (shorter) 1911s, which usually have extended ejectors.
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Join up so you cab post, then ask in the Gunsmithing discussion area. The short answer is that you take a file to the end of the ejector to change the angle, but if you have a full-size with a GI style ejector, I'm not prepared to suggest how to alter it. This is usually a problem with smaller (shorter) 1911s, which usually have extended ejectors.
Thanks! I'll try it. I don't want to ruin my extractor. I know this is the touchy part of the 1911, so will go lightly and see. It really is a solid pistol and I've fired 350 round through it with no hiccups, but the brass does go everywhere and often right at my face which makes shooting it really not much fun!
I have that happen to frequently with my Kimber Master Cary Pro 45 I am working on a firmer grip and a improved stance to lessen the muzzle rise and having the brass fly in my direction. I had one go down my shirt a few weeks ago. I did a odd little dance.
1) confirm extractor has to be somewhat tight.
2) adjust the ejector contact point up on the case with a file
3) Fit an extended ejector
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1) confirm extractor has to be somewhat tight.
2) adjust the extractor contact point up on the case with a file
3) Fit an extended extractor
Number one is o.k., but numbers two and three should say, ejector, not the extractor.
Here's a thought, before you do anything to the gun, try some different ammo!

Seriously. Just changing brands might make all the difference. It ALSO might just be the way you hold the gun.

I've had a number of 1911A1s, and never had a problem with cases hitting my face, but I have had them land on my hat, and in my shirt pocket....

All ammo isn't exactly the same and a small difference in the MV can change the slide velocity just enough to change the angle of ejection, so cases may sail over your head, or miss your face to one side, or the other.

I'd try some different ammo, just to see. When you go "adjusting" the extractor, you might get things just right, and then shoot something else and have the problem back again. You could wind up chasing your tail on this one, so I'd recommend trying different things before modifying the gun.
It can be adjusted with extractor and port. That and handloading I could put most of the cases in to my pocket.
For some reason we seemed to forget to tell female shooters to button blouses all the way up .:D
If ejected case are being thrown all over the place, I'd check the fit/tension of the extractor, and make sure than the ejector is rock-solid on the frame.