Brass sticking in one chamber only

Lethal Farce

New member
Went back to the range w/ the buddys Anaconda that I had mention on an earlier post that was shooting way low. Noticed one chamber would not release the brass. The other five were free. Tried several different loads and always tight on one. Any ideas?
Not a gunsmith, but

It sounds like the chamber is a little rough.

He needs to mark the chamber at his next outting and then slightly pollis the chamber. A cleaning brush chucked into a drill, a cleaning patch with some jewelers rouge should do the trick. Polis a little and the shoot to test. Tell him not to get carried away with the polishing, he does not want to remove much metal, just the roughness.

Doc Hudson

I had this happen with a S&W Model-28. Lead in the cylinder heat up and adheres to the brass. Take a new brass brush and clean the cylinders to get the lead out. HTH
Thanks y'all. I used a piece of a lead removal cloth on a jag, followed by hoppes#9 and some rigorous brushing. All is now well. Looked nice and smooth, otherwise I thought a little polishing on any rough areas was a good idea.
Hi, guys,

Cleaning is, always, the first option. But there are times when polishing the chamber is necessary. This must be done very carefully, though. If the front of the chamber is polished so that it is larger than the rear, normal extraction will become difficult or impossible; the brass will expand into the larger area and getting it out means effectively a resizing operation.

Sticking in 1 chamber

You need to have your GUNSMITH wrap a piece of STEELWOOL around a wooden dowel and ream the burs out of the chamber.
Another possibility is that the chamber is a bit oversize, allowing too much expansion at ignition. This can be from the factory, or it could be from a single overloaded round.
The correction for this one is a new cylinder.