Brass hitting me in the face


New member
I was shooting my 1991A1 commander the other day and about every other round would extract right in my face. I do have a shock Buff on my gun because a gunsmith thought that my spring might be a little light. Is there an easy way to check this? I am guessing,since it has only done this with the shock buff, that it might have to do with the shock buff, but before I remove it I want to make sure I have a hard enough spring. Any help is appreciated...
Well, possibly the easiest thing to do would be to have the angle on the ejector changed just a little bit.

I had this problem with a gun of mine, so I lightly stoned the angle on the ejector until it was throwning them where I wanted them.
Ahenry, extractor tension can also play a role in this as well as your grip on the pistol. I had a guy bring one in last year with the same complaint. I shot it and all of the brass ejected forward and to the right. I told him I could find nothing wrong and gave it back to him. He was back the next day saying he was still getting smacked in the forehead so I locked up the shop and we went to shoot it together. Sure enough about every 3rd or 4th round had him ducking and his brass was going in all directions. I shot it and all the brass went forward and right again. We spent a couple of minutes talking about locking the wrist and gripping the gun and suddenly his problem disappeared. George