Brass ejecting on my head.

Zak Smith

New member
Ok, so I recently bought a Glock 19, and love shooting it, but the %^&* brass nearly *always* hits me on the head.

No, I'm not using the Homey Sights (TM). :D

This happens with none of my other pistols.

Any ideas?

The direction of ejected brass is a combination of the length of the ejector, and the overall shape of the extractor.

Changing those factors will change where the brass flies. But I know of no factors or directions to show how to do it, other than the longer the ejector, the further to the rear the case will fly.

On the subject, I used to shoot with a gentleman who had a High Standard .22 match gun. The brass went down the firing line just a little slower than the bullet went downrange.
Another college had a 45 wadcutter gun that put bullets in the X ring and brass in his face.
Both of these gentlemen decided the gun shoot too well to mess with. They lived with it.
Try just changing the brand of ammo first. That may affect the dynamics enough to have the brass miss your head. Oh, and stop pointing the breech at your face ;)
Change angle of striking face of ejector or move your head. Messing with the ejector will have no effect on accuracy. Tiny changes make big differences in ejection angle.

Homey sights..LOL I remember that I busted a gut laughing..

Seriously, just move your head out of the way.. :)


I crack myself up sometimes.
I have found that my medium to high velocity handloads eject clear to the right quite some distance. A couple low-powered target handloads hit me in the noggin 8 times out of 10. I bumped the charge a few tenths and solved this problem yet still maintained very low recoil. Try a slightly hotter load and see if this works for you. If changing ammo doesn't solve your problem, then I'd start eyeing the extractor.

When Glocks first got to the States, I shot a 17 that a friend of mine had just purchased. Got a face full of brass. The armorer told my friend that after about 200 rounds, the brass-in-the-face problem would go away.

My friend called me later and said that he was right, after about 200 rounds it stopped bouncing the shells off his forehead. So, you may just need to shoot it a lot.

Me, I figure that 200 rounds of hot brass would give me a flinch you couldn't cure with Thorazine.

The earlier G19s had upgrades for this problem. I believe a different ejector was used. The replacement was nickle and bent at angle where the problem one was not. I am just going by my poor memory here so contact Glock for the best bet.
It probably depends how firmly you hold the pistol too.
When shooting my G35, I find the brass is ejected clear out to the right. When my girlfriend shoots it, the brass comes straight back and hits her in the face.
I'vd found that sometimes a simple cleaning of the gun helps.

Seriously, I had a friend who's G22 was hitting us all and even burned another pretty badly on the eyelid (got stuck between his glasses frames). We took it down... did a really good cleaning, especially at the ejector and the gun went right back to throwing the brass over the right shoulder. Nice high arcs.

You may have already tried this but I figure you may as well try the basics before you get someone else tweaking w/ your investment.
"brass ejecting on my head"

But that doesn't mean bad guys
Won't be falling dead

la la la la la

oh, brass keep ejecting on my head...
If the problem persists, send it back to Glock. They will correct and return it back to you in short order.

I had the same problem in a new Glock. Got it back in about 2 weeks. Work order said 'corrected tight extractor'...

No more problems with ejection pattern.
Fwiw, I volunteer at the local range as a range safety officer. One day I observed a couple shooting a Glock 21. The female was shooting the gun and after every shot, she'd get hit in the forehead with the empty shell. To give her credit, she didn't give up and kept on shooting... Her husband/boyfriend/whatever was coaching her. 'Bang, whack, bang, whack' (against her eye protection), round after round...

I finally couldn't take it anymore and went over and asked if their Glock always does that. To which the guy responded, "It's suppose to do that. It has a top ejection system..."

I managed to 'maintain' and tell him that Glock will fixed that under warranty and that the normal ejection pattern should be going over one's shoulder, not between one's eyes... <g>
Either CRS is striking again or that computer crash took what I thought was a reply with it. Anyway.

Extractor problems can also be related to the extractor spring being too weak.

You also may have a build up of crud in the extractor well, around the spring, etc.

I usually do a complete break-down, cleaning, and looking everything over. Have also done a fluff and buff (and even fine sanding) to key components which yielded a gun with a much smoother action. Take you time, though. It's actually lots of fun.

David Scott said
<<Why do you think hats from Texas have such wide brims? Get yourself a nice Resistol.>>

This is my normal mode of shooting. Beats hot brass down the collar. Keeps me cool in the summer and warm in the winter too.
I have a glock 17 and brass has hit me in the face forehead and went down the front off my shirt burns like hell, but still having fun? you bet!!