Brand of pepper spray safe for pocket carry?


New member
Just got some small Fox pepper spray for me and the girlfriend (, intending to toss it into my front right pocket. Unfortunately, the safety rotation on this model is not nearly secure enough to leave it floating around. It would almost certainly work itself to Fire, and sooner or later douse my nether regions.

Can anyone recommend a brand/model that's better for this means of carry? Open carry or even clipped, like a pocketknife, will not cut it. It does not have to have any kind of keyring thing--I just take them off anyway.
I've got that same model and carry it in my pocket all the time.I know it's kind of too big for keychain carry and the belt clip is worthless.It does usually go "off safe" but I think it would need a good amount of pressure to spray it in your pocket.Another alternative would be try this; .It uses the same fox canister as the keychain.
Unfortunately, the safety rotation on this model is not nearly secure enough to leave it floating around. It would almost certainly work itself to Fire, and sooner or later douse my nether regions.
Uhm...your fears are not unwarranted. I had a canister of FoxLabs discharge in my pants. Fortunately for me the nozzle was aimed AWAY from any sensitive parts. :eek:

That was the last time I employed THAT method of carry!

I had a can fire when in my jeans during a trip once. Completely soaked my jeans in a 6" circle and it *sucked* because I couldn't get back to the hotel for an hour. Not an experience I'd wish on anyone.

If you are going to carry OC, don't carry it in a pants pocket.

Well I have a spray I keep in my truck. Belt clip, key ring, protective cap where finger only enters one way (keep from spraying yourself, has a dye in it( to ID perp). Honestly can't recall if its a MACE (brand) or a pepper spray.
Simple Solution- take a Mace brand shroud and put the FOX caninster in it. Voila- much better protection against accidental discharge & better ergonomics, pointability.


That's a good idea, Cato, hadn't thought of that; I was just going to say I carry a Mace PepperGard in a cargo pocket, where it's not so close to valuable items, and I've had no problems with the flip-top safety. Haven't tried Fox products yet, but that's on the priority list.
My Wife and I both carry the Fox keychains. We use them as keychains. The safe does come off all the time but I've never had it fire. Just don't keep it in a tight pocket.

I really wish the small keychain was available in the fog type spray.