Brain Flatulence!!!


New member
Bet none of you have ever done this. I was getting ready to weld a bolt handle on a Mauser. I tacked it on and when I checked the position of the bolt I had tacked it on upside down.:o I've probably done about 75 or 80 bolts and made a few mistakes, but nothing like this before.
Bet none of you have ever done this. I was getting ready to weld a bolt handle on a Mauser. I tacked it on and when I checked the position of the bolt I had tacked it on upside down.

Betcha if we did, we wouldn't COP to it.

Also betcha if I posted all the stupid stuff I've done regarding guns the last 40 years or so TFL would have to double the size of their internet storage (what ever they call it in the world of the net).