Brady repeal?


New member
This was sent out by GOA today:
Subj: Brady Repeal, Gun Lawsuits, And More
Date: 3/19/99 6:44:26 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: (Gun Owners of America)
Reply-to: (Gun Owners of America)

Rep. Paul Reintroduces Full Brady Repeal
-- Other pro-gun bills picking up steam

Gun Owners of America E-Mail/FAX Alert
8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102, Springfield, VA 22151
Phone: 703-321-8585 / FAX: 703-321-8408

(March 19, 1999) -- The last two weeks have seen a frenzy of
pro-gun bills introduced in Congress, thus giving gun owners much to
cheer about. While the total number of bills introduced may seem
small-- and pale in comparison to the number of anti-gun bills in
the hopper-- there is much encouragement in seeing new faces showing
up to the battle, ready to take on the Schumers in Congress.

No Gun Owner Tax or Registration. Pro-gun Rep. Tom Coburn
(R-OK) is the newest leader in the fight to reclaim lost ground. He
joined Sen. Bob Smith (R-NH) by introducing identical legislation
this week that will begin rolling back the unconstitutional Brady
law. The Smith-Coburn bills (S. 597 and H.R. 1178) will help
protect gun owners by putting a halt to the FBI's dangerous tax and
registration schemes. As mentioned in last week's alert, these two
bills do much more than just set restrictions on the FBI--
restrictions that might otherwise be ignored by that agency. Their
bills contain teeth, since private individuals will be specifically
authorized to sue the FBI for any violations of privacy under the
Brady Law and will be able to receive compensation for attorney's

The Smith-Coburn bills represent a good first step-- a step
which Congress can realistically take this Congress. Smith's
provision passed with a veto-proof majority last year, and it is
likely that the House could follow its lead this year by passing the
Coburn bill. On the Senate side, grassroots activism has now helped
S. 597 garner seven cosponsors, including Senators Burns (MT), Craig
(ID), Enzi (WY), Grams (MN), Inhofe (OK), Murkowski (AK) and
Sessions (AL).

Ultimately, of course, true defenders of freedom realize that
the entire Brady Law-- including the unconstitutional Instant
Check-- must be repealed. The surest way to safeguard the Second
Amendment and prevent abuses of gun owners' rights is to completely
wipe anti-gun legislation of this type off the books.

Full Brady Registration Repeal. And to this end, Rep. Ron Paul
(R-TX) has reintroduced his bill to repeal the entire Brady Law.
But H.R. 1179 will not only repeal the Brady registration law, it
also eliminates the 1994 semi-auto ban and the limitation on
magazine capacity. Moreover, the bill repeals all the gun control
from the 1994 crime bill, including the provision allowing the BATF
to act as "zoning cops." This latter provision has been used by the
BATF to put over 100,000 gun dealers out of business. Finally, H.R.
1179 removes the "sporting purposes" test which was recently used by
the Clinton and Bush administrations to ban many firearms from

Pulling the trigger on anti-gun lawsuits. GOA alerted you two
weeks ago that legislation aimed at stopping the anti-gun lawsuits
would soon be introduced in Congress. Indeed, Rep. Bob Barr (R-GA)
has introduced H.R. 1032 to stop the suits being filed by the
country's mayors. His bill already has 40 cosponsors. In the
Senate, Bob Smith (NH) will be introducing a similar bill in the
very near future. Please stay tuned.

ACTION: Make sure you express your support to your
representatives and senators in Washington (202-225-3121 voice, and for fax and e-mail info)
regarding the bills above. In the following weeks, GOA will be
providing activists with postcards that can be distributed to
friends and family so as to generate even more "heat" on
representatives. Keep watching for further GOA alerts that will
inform you when these materials are ready.

*********************************************Please consider subscribing to the GOA E-Mail
Alert network directly. There is no cost or obligation, and the
volume of mail is quite low. To subscribe, simply send a message to and include the state in which you live, in
either the subject or the body.

Justice for one,Justice for all.
This is all very interesting and I hope it can pass. However, you must remember that clinton can and probably will veto any pro-gun legislation. Even if congress overides the veto, you're looking at a lot of lost time. I really don't expect to see much change over the next two years.
Now if we can manage to elect a pro-gun president and keep a pro-gun majority in congress, Then we might be able to make some real changes. Keep your fingers crossed.
Greyfox: You've missed the point of this legislation. Sure, Clinton will veto it. But if we can get roll call votes on this sort of legislation, we'll be able to sort out which current members of Congress are REALLY on our side, and which were just lying about their position on gun control to steal our votes. Which is, regrettably, why the Republican leadership almost certainly will NOT permit these laws to be voted on.