Brady check research help please....


New member
Just how much does the brady check cost?

What state?

Any substitutes for the brady check?

thank you in advance,

$9 to $10 Oregon. Permit doesn't allow you to bypass the check. Your name and information is shouted across the room to anyone within hearing distance to pick up on and know.

Including social.

Nice huh. You pay to be "checked out" and everyone within hearing distance now knows your name, your address and your social.

I guess the brady bunch never thought about identity theft did they, stupid idiots.

I didnt know there was a charge for that. I dont have a Texas CHL but there has never been a seperate charge for the background check
No charge in the Bay State. We've never had a waiting period, and there is no limit to the number of handguns you may buy in a given time period.