Brady Center at it again

Actually, the Brady site is still useful, if you can stand the stench. Their grading of the states is pretty useful, all you have to do is just invert the scores. "F" is an excellent, RKBA gun owner friendly score, where an "A" denotes a leftist gun grabbing fever swamp to be avoided if possible and to apply pity upon those poor souls who reside therein.
The Brady pukes really aren't concerned about Alito's Rybar opinion since it didn't change the outcome of the case. They are concerned about his reputation as a Constitutional strict constructionist.
That scares the Hell out of them since they too know the original intent of the founding fathers even though they lie and say otherwise.
So they're saying that alito's dissent reasoning in Rybar was rejected by Raich?

Well Yes it most certainly was, but ONLY because Raich clearly flies in the face of Lopez, and fails to follow the stare decises precedent set by Lopez!!! So Alito was arguing FOR following precedent, whereas Raich was clearly wrongly decided, only because Scalia is a political whore for the republican's war on some drugs.

Lopez died a quick death, only because it was overturned. No they didn't expressly overturn it - they gave lip service about distinguishing cases from it. But clearly, they're full of BS, because raich is about NOTHING except intra-state activities (and not even commerce, mind you!). Lopez has been overturned de facto, if not de jure. But the scotus doesn't have the forthrightness to admit its overturned, as Thomas has pointed out in numerous dissents.

Disgusting. They're criticizing Alito for following the law, in essence, in that dissent.
The group is pretty good at creating accusations and claims. Wonder when they will ever get around to providing supporting evidence or intelligent argument?

Jeeesh. Anyone can get time on the internet anymore.