Brady Campaign


New member
Do you guys ever visit their WEB site?

I noticed that Plaxico Burress has joined them and is being used in their propaganda campaign. Also, they have a big push to outlaw “assault clips” whatever those are. The amazing thing is the influence this organization seems to have with some groups when you consider the level of misinformation and incompetence. I am not sure after visiting their site if I want to laugh, cry or bathe.
Old news. Of course, professional football players are experts on gun safety, just like they're experts on the humane treatment of animals.

The Brady Campaign is growing increasingly irrelevant. Their cash flow has dwindled to a trickle, and they'll grab at whatever straws they can.

There was a time when they could influence national policy, and when they were an entity to be feared. That time has pretty much passed.
They are reaching because the anti gun movement is being swamped right now. The Brady site is a joke if you actually break down the stats...
The Brady Campaign is growing increasingly irrelevant. Their cash flow has dwindled to a trickle, and they'll grab at whatever straws they can.

They are certainly losing the battle at this point, but I still check out their site on a regular basis. Irrelevant they might be, they certainly aren't going to go away.
Plaxico Burress seems to be conducting a PR campaign to rehabilitate his image and this is simply one more PR move.

Every time I hear about the "assault clip" I think of the overly aggressive "Clippy" in the old Microsoft Office who would assault users with his intrusive behavior. :)
The Brady Campaign is growing increasingly irrelevant. Their cash flow has dwindled to a trickle, and they'll grab at whatever straws they can.
The graphic shows the dramatic decrease in PAC income and contributions and is very interesting. I assume, however, that they raise and spend money other than through the PAC. Still, it would seem to be an indicator their overall income is way down.
Every time I hear about the "assault clip" I think of the overly aggressive "Clippy" in the old Microsoft Office who would assault users with his intrusive behavior.
...and one day, he just snapped. Poor little guy.

The Assault Clippy is hilarious. I may have to steal it as well.

Plaxico did something (a few things) stupid and shot himself. He would be more likely to learn how to avoid such things from the NRA than the Brady Bunch, but there are worse things he could be doing than going around telling kids not to be stupid with guns.
"Hi, kids, my name is Plaxico Burress. Don't do stupid things with guns, or you'll go to jail, and when you get out you'll have to do crappy community service projects like this."