According to the Bradys outlawing guns would eliminate firearms crimes completely.Pretty stupid isn't it? Nothing new to anyone around here.
They absolutely refuse to realize that criminals are law breakers, what will the breaking of one more law bother them?:barf:
My middle brother is a beliver in the Brady mantra. When I asked if there had been any murders prior to the invention of gun powder and firearms... he shut up. Didn't change his mind, but atleast shut up.
The Catholic church only ever banned one weapon. A weapon thought to be inhumane. A weapon which is was thought only violent men would need. Then a few hundred years later came gun powder. There are two types of people I have encountered. There are those smart enough to know a gun can not pull it's trigger and those so dumb they think think a inatimate object is plotting against us all.
And with that I rest my case.
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I just got done going over the website linked to. I am not surprised they promote the anti-gun crap. They promote ever extreme liberal agenda in the book. They even attack the religiuos right.