Brady Campaign Looooves bHo's speech


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Here is the press release from the Brady Campaign on bHo's speech last night.

I think it's very telling, their enthusiasm.


The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence praised Senator Barack Obama for highlighting the need for common sense gun laws in his speech accepting the Democratic nomination, specifically addressing easy access to assault weapons:

“I was fortunate to be in Mile-High Stadium last night to watch and listen to Sen. Obama’s historic speech as he accepted the Democratic nomination for President of the United States,” said Paul Helmke, President of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence.

“It was very significant that Sen. Obama directly addressed the gun violence issue in our country. He decided to strike a balance between rights and responsibilities, and showed how we can have common sense gun laws in America to protect our families and communities,” Helmke said.

As Senator Obama said,

The reality of gun ownership may be different for hunters in rural Ohio than they are for those plagued by gang violence in Cleveland, but don't tell me we can't uphold the Second Amendment while keeping AK-47s out of the hands of criminals.

Brady President Paul Helmke continued, “Since the Supreme Court issued its opinion on the meaning of the Second Amendment, the debate over gun laws in America has moved to the middle ground. Now, common sense gun laws that save lives and protect police can be debated on their merits.

“America wants sensible restrictions on the easy access to dangerous weapons, and Sen. Obama clearly recognized that last night,” Helmke said.

To see Presidential candidates' records and quotes on the gun issue, go to:
:barf: I am not a single issue voter, nor am I voting for Obama, but the Brady Campaign's drooling over his is just about enough to turn me into one.
I'm not a single issue voter, either. But there has to be a balance. I don't like the crime with or without firearms, either. And neither does anyone else. The solution is rather complex as the WHYS of crime are not being adequately addressed. It's not the machine as we all here know.

The problem a large percentage of gun owners as I see it is that the term "Militia" (unorganized = you and I) and "right to bear arms" have been divorced from each other. People wish to collect "things" with no regard to defense of State and nation; no sense of responsibility to maintaining a "free State" which includes your immediate community.

Why not write BOTH McCain and Obama your concerns?
The fact that the Brady Bunch is supporting Obama is more than enough reason to vote for McCain.
Why not write BOTH McCain and Obama your concerns?

Why? That's easy.

Obama wants to ban so-called "assault weapons." So does the Brady bunch. McCain voted against the ban.

Obama wants to bankrupt firearm manufacturers with silly municipal lawsuits that seek to hold manufacturers and dealers liable for the acts of criminals. So does the Brady bunch. McCain voted for the legislation that has prevented those lawsuits.

Obama supported DC's laws that prevented law-abiding citizens from defending themselves in their own homes with firearms. So did the Brady bunch. McCain opposed DC's oppressive and unconstitutional laws.

Obama opposed the appointment of Roberts and Alito to the United States Supreme Court, two justices who voted with the majority that held that there is an individual right to keep and bear arms. So did the Brady bunch. McCain was instrumental in working with senators in both parties so that Roberts and Alito could be confirmed.

Obama wants to ban handguns. So does the Brady bunch. McCain opposes a ban on handgun ownership by law-abiding citizens.

LOL. Anyone who asserts that there's no difference between Obama and McCain on Second Amendment issues is ignoring reality. Or just doesn't want to admit that Obama hates guns. Obama-rama!

McCain's VP pick likes guns a lot more than Obama's VP pick, Mr. Gun-Ban-Biden. There's another difference. ;) Palin is a staunch pro-gun advocate!
Why both? Because YOU nor I know WHO will be president.

Just a thought. He may have been anti-gun because that's the only way to obtain support for where he is today. If you're quiet he may assume that his flawed position is "correct". I've written BOTH as I don't buy McCain's "conservative" cloak, either.
Maybe it's difficult to 'buy' McCains conservative cloak but at least there's a possibility it's 'for real' and he's on record for supporting conservative Justices. With Obama you know there's not a conservative bone in his body and barely a liberal one - mostly socialistic at best.

Obama's position on guns is very well documented in his voting record (Voted for every piece of anti gun legislation) as well as his background.
The reality of gun ownership may be different for hunters in rural Ohio than they are for those plagued by gang violence in Cleveland, but don't tell me we can't uphold the Second Amendment while keeping AK-47s out of the hands of criminals.

I thought there were already laws in place against convicted criminals owning any kind of weapon.
He may have been anti-gun because that's the only way to obtain support for where he is today.

Yeah, or maybe Obama is a robot under control of liberal space-aliens. :D
No, I'll take Obama's past voting record as well as his written statements to show that he genuinely hates guns. Why not just admit that Obama hates guns? That he has a consistent anti-gun voting record, and that he'll certainly support future anti-gun legislation? I just don't get it.
I miss the part where the prez is in any way named as head of law enforcement. And in case he hadn't gotten this point already, having an AK is for me to protect myself from legalized criminals like TPFI, and self defense is my constitutional right.
Why both? Because YOU nor I know WHO will be president.

Just a thought. He may have been anti-gun because that's the only way to obtain support for where he is today. If you're quiet he may assume that his flawed position is "correct". I've written BOTH as I don't buy McCain's "conservative" cloak, either.

Politicians who support gun control legislation in order to pander to their base tend to vote for it if it comes up and leave it alone otherwise. It is most definitely NOT the case that Obama enthusiastically supported gun control laws in order to get votes and will be nice to us as POTUS. He really does believe that anyone who owns a semi-automatic rifle or handgun belongs in prison.

I will be writing to Obama the same way I wrote to John Kerry concerning his heavy support for gun control: by voting for a Republican candidate.
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