Brady Bill


New member
For the life of me I cannot understand why Mr Brady wants to blame the gun instead of blaming the man that shot him.I will never know how liberals think.Can anyone of you explain why they think this way.If he had been stabbed,would they regulate all knives?navy
The whole mindset is to offset the blame. Liberals and MANY conservatives believe they are not responsible for their actions, that the "little guy" should not accept full responsibility for their actions. They believe that creating an opportunity for crime is worse than the act of committing the crime itself. AKA: Putting a gun out there to be used is worse than the act of using it in a crime.

And it is not just the Liberals. Regan, Bush Sr. and Bush Jr. have all taken a strong stance on the brady Bill. Regan and Bush Sr. both campaigned for and voted in support of the Brady Bill.

Larry Craig is another "conservative" with a belief that they should not be held responsible for their actions or decisions. He is trying to retract is guilty plea.

The conservative House Speaker who was emailing sexually charged emails to his young male intern...he was not willing to accept responsibility for his actions.

I agree that the far left liberals are in the majority when it comes to not wanting the individual to accept full responsibility for their actions. But, I have to point out that there are many right-wingers that are the same way.

It is similar to an idea for bigger government. They want the all to be responsible for the one. They don't want the individual to be responsible for his/her own self.
Mr Brady got shot doing his job! Protecting the President! !Signed 12 times stating he was willing to give his life in order to protect the President! Mrs Brady went ballistic and uses Emotions is place of the Grey Stuff! End of story.
For the life of me I cannot understand why Mr Brady wants to blame the gun instead of blaming the man that shot him.I will never know how liberals think.Can anyone of you explain why they think this way.If he had been stabbed,would they regulate all knives?navy
It's sad, really, the way James Brady has been treated by his sodden wife, but it's the truth.

Rumor has it, and I can't say I have hard proof, that Sarah Brady put up with his resistance to participating in the gun control movement for a long time after he was shot, for several years. Finally, she put it to him like this, "James, either you do what I tell you to do, and represent yourself as a victim of gun violence, or you can get another caretaker to hang around, your choice."

Today, and for years we've seen the results of that ultimatum. Sarah Brady is a vicious, ruthless woman, of that there is no doubt.

Hi,Thanks for your insight.I am looking at the philly bank robery on tv.The police chief says there is to many guns out there.Its sad two policemen just lost their
Sarah Brady talks about her husband's injury being the motivating factor, but that hasn't always been the case. In the '90s, she gave an interview in which she said she only got involved after a child discovered a pistol in someone's truck at a family gathering. No one was injured but she wanted to reduce availability and enact controls "for the children."

Of course, we know she's a liar who will use anything (including the death of innocents) so you can chalk the interview up to her campaign needing a boost from the "save the children" crowd.
I don't know if all the blame should be put on Sarah Brady.

I remember hearing many years ago, right out of Mr. Brady's mouth, that he thought the "2nd Amendment is a sham". I take that to mean he favored a prohibition on the private ownership of firearms.

He got shot and it was tragic, his reaction was almost as tragic and rather selfish IMHO.
He knew what he was doing! She just Bitchwiched him and took over. Trust me , If you sign on to the secret service of any other Ellette service you know what your doing. Other wise they would not have you. :rolleyes: