Brady Bill Small Part of Federal Controlls


Staff Emeritus
The Brady Bill is only part of the efforts to monitor, investigate, and control your
physical, financial, and intellectual life. The name “Phyllis Schlafly” is bound to
stir up controversy. Is it worth it? How about:

* Spank Your Child = Lose Your Child?
* Federal Control of all State Driver’s Licenses (Fingerprints mandatory?)
* Database of all Workers! (Directory of New Hires reveals all)
* Brady Bill (Who are the potential criminal troublemakers?)
* Monitor e-mails (Using Key Recovery system)
* Monitor ALL Medical Records (Are Your Children Vaccinated?)
* Monitor ALL Medical Records (For Undocument/Unwarranted Medical Care?)
* Monitor All Business and Personal Bank Accounts (for “suspicious” activity)
* Monitor location of ALL cell phones
* Schools Teach Trades Rather Than Educate (German Plan + Fed Control)
* Executive Orders (In case we missed something)

For more “hysterical” information that “just can’t be true”, see:

“Know Your Customer”....
Watch Out for “Big Sister”...
“How is Clinton Invading Your Privacy”
Whatever Happened to Informed Medical Choice?