BP rifle kits


New member
I've got a twelve year old nephew that I'd like to get a build your own kit for Christmas. I have really basic woodworking skills and coupled with his doing as much hands on as possible what are good choices? Many of the lower end kits seem to have really utilitarian wood. I'm shooting for something that would really stand out. Can anybody recommend a good kit or relate their experiances for me?
Thanks much,
Take a look at Dixie Gunworks

You might get one of their catalogs.
They have kits and I think you can upgrade stocks etc..

They are a little more advanced than the kits you see around.

If you have the skill and patience, you could probably turn out a pretty nice looking rifle..

Might be wise to start out with one of the regulars to see if he is gonna like black powder and white smoke before you invest a lot of time and money in one..

Good luck
I just finished a Lyman Plains Pistol kit which I got from Dixie Gun Works. The wood was about 95% finished so it only took about 20-30 minutes of sanding to get everything to fit in. The next step I used was cold blueing. Used a Birchwood-Casey kit (~$8) for that and just followed directions. It worked better than I expected. Used a ruler to center the sights, was apprehensive about getting them just right. Used tung oil on wood. After that put the whole thing together and it works like a charm. I'm hitting cans out to 35 yards with the thing and it looks pretty sharp.
Methinks Cabelas has kits too. You may want to check them out and they're much easier than a Dixie kit. Dixie is more authentic but more pricey. Best kits I've seen are Jim Chambers, but they're even pricier.
I like the Lyman

I'd go with a Lyman Great Plains Rifle kit. Searh around for a good price. You don't need any fancy tools to finish it. Just lots of sandpaper and patience. A dremel type tool will help and a good sharp knife ot small wood chiesel. Very little metal work at all. I can post my own experiences building it if you get one.


Oh - and they shoot great too!
I'd second the idea of a Lyman Great Plains. Best source for these seems to be Midsouth Shooters Supply. You won't save much though over a finished rifle although you can at least finish the wood in your choice of stain and brown the parts instead of the blue that comes with the finished rifle. If you have some basic woodworking skills you should be able to finish this successfully and have a nice rifle. There may be some additional inletting but probably most of the work is going to be in the final shaping of the stock and the metal finish.