bp pellets

virgil ante

i can't seem to find much info on pyrodex pellets, dose it work in ruger old army? is it sass legal for bp? why doesn't more cowboys use it? i'm new as you probably guessed. looking forward to your replys. thanks:confused:

Welcome to the board Virgil! Pyrodex pellets will work in your Ruger no problem - just use appropriate charge level and of course, seat your wads/bullets down to the pellet. You will also want to use magnum caps to help with ignition.

Pyrodex is a SASS legal pb propellant but most pb shooters don't use them for a couple of reasons. One is cost (you shoot 100+ rounds every match) and two is there's no real advantage over using regular granulated or black powder and third, its more authentic to load granulated.

Also, you loose the ability to "fine" tune your loads as you are stuck with the pellet weights.