Boyd's stock prices.


New member
I know everything is more expensive these days and it's been many moons since I bought a stock from Boyd's, but when did they double in price? I remember paying 100 bucks for a stock from them now they're close to 200 before you add any options to em. By the time you add some options you could just buy a bell and carlson stock with a bedding block in it
Like any start-up business, Boyds used to be really coming in at prices that were hard to beat. Companies do this to get business in the door. As soon as capacity is filled, prices start to rise. For Boyd's, that was about 10 years ago. They added a lot of nice options and varities of stocks, but all of that come at a price. Probably for the past 5-6 years, their prices are enough to discourage a lot of buyers, more because of raw material price increases than Boyds taking a bigger bite.
Gotcha yeah, I was trying to think the last time I bought a stock from them and it was probably 9 years ago, bought one of the black finished stocks for a savage. Was thinking of grabbing one for a mosin action I have sitting around and was shocked at the price.

Obviously all the adjustable ones and such I'd expect to be more but all their base models went up significantly as well.
Problem is that you usually have to do some finishing work yourself--I buy Boyds knowing additional time and investment will be needed in pillars and bedding.The price gap between a nice traditional wood stock and a modern rigid chassis--that is drop in and tighten the action screws is all you need to do--has become very narrow.
Great folks to deal with !!!

Probably for the past 5-6 years, their prices are enough to discourage a lot of buyers, more because of raw material price increases than Boyds taking a bigger bite.
So true and they have given my, great support. On one order, they asked me about a detail, that I had missed. .... :eek:

Be Safe !!!
I hadnt bought a stock from boyds for quite a long time either, as a matter of fact the last 1 I got from them I got for free, I let them use my new on the market at the time Tikka T3 so they could make the first stock, was quite a deal. So, just about a month ago I wanted a wood stock for a M70 ultimate shadow I picked up, ( I dont care for plastic, etc..) I like wood and I like boyds, yes the price had gone up a bit but so has everything else. Got the stock and dropped the action in, tightened the screws and was good to go..Perfect fit!!!!