Boyd's AT One/Axis


New member
I am fixing to re-barrel and re-stock A savage Axis I have had for awhile now. I intend to order a boyds AT One stock, but find their options on the site a bit confusing.

We all know that the Axis uses a long action for all calibers. However, Boyds lists a long and short action for the stock. Also the Axis in question has the Accutrigger. Which does take up more space than the original Axis trigger. I am ok with a little inletting work in that area.

I can only assume that the magazine length may be a little different on the axis. Causing the extra options on Boyd's website.

Have any of you Guys or Gals Installed a Boyd's AT One stock on a Savage Axis 2 with Accutrigger? Did you have any issues? And how do you like it overall?

The Axis in question is a .308 Win.
I believe the short action/long action difference is how the magazine box is cut out.
Otherwise the trigger, bolt should be in the same place regardless.

Don't forget, the different palm pieces, and the height adjustable butt pad are sold as extra options.
Send pics, and details of your install please!
std7mag, The stock should come with a standard comb piece and pad right? It was my understanding that additional pieces were sold separately

LOL, good call man. I am more so looking for user opinions on these combos. I have settled on the stock, barrel and already have the action. I would certainly have called them to place the final order.
I dont know about the stock you have in mind but on others I have ordered they usually have measurements of the bolt line up short vs long action.
Not a Savage, but I just bought a AT-one for my old Sako 22-250. After getting it and fitting it, I won't recommend them. Big old slab of laminated wood with square corners and too short. I kinda like the adjustable stuff, but they made it so a 14" LOP is just about maxed out on that stock. I could not grip the grip area, I had to drop the top of the pistol grip, round off the corners, and sand/refinish the stock before I could even think of taking it to the range. I would order one of their Varmint stocks instead. You can get the adjustable stuff, but the stock is smoother and better shaped.
Yeah, it comes with the adjustable LOP.
The standard palm grip to me and the Mrs. are real narrow with sharp corners. They sell the optional fuller, more rounded palm grip separate.

I got to shoot one of those At Ones. I did not like it. Per the above, just not a good feeling stock and I dislike the plastic stuff hanging on it.

I would encourage you to look at the Laminated type eighter the Thumbhole featherweight (I have the target version as well but like the featherweight better and I do just target ) - The Prairies hunter type also has a very good feel with what I call the Super Grip.

You can get an adjusale lenght of pull on that as well as a cheek rise as optiosn if you want.

Call the factory and make sure on the order. Boyds can be confusing.

The two I have are almost pure drop in with excellent bearing and a bit of relief needed only on the tang.

You can get some great colors in them, they are composite (laminate is a composite) . I get regular visitors at the range that want to look at them. Comments on the 3 of the Laminate type are, wow, that is really nice (I have one EABCO which I do not recommend but its ok now its been bedded and I cut the cheek piece down as my ear muffs kept hitting it)

Go for the extra gloss if you like shiny, must be 15 different colors, I like the wood type but I have a green one so I can tell them apart!

I was just checking out their Pro Varmint stock. I didn't realize that you can get an adjustable comb on that stock.Seems like a good deal. That's the main reason I wanted the AT one. For the adjustable comb.

I will be Pillar and glass bedding it anyway.

Unless of course I can find a stock maker that manufactures a Varmint/Tactical stock with an aluminum block.
Yea its a bit hidden and it does cost extra but both LOP and the Adj Comb can be had.

I would seriously consider not doing the bedding. I know its defacto these days, and I did on the EABCO stock as it had an ugly fit.

The Boyds fit on my two Boyds stocks is perfect, on a good day I can shoot 1/4 MOA and sometimes a but better with them un-bedded.