Boycott US Weekly


New member
Below is the text of a letter my wife and I sent to the advertisers of US Weekly magazine. This is the rag that had Sarah Palin on the cover with the headline of "Babies, Lies, and Scandal" while the Obama cover was "Why Barack Loves Her" The blatant left leaning of the media is beyond belief.

To All US Magazine Advertisers,

Due to the extremely biased politics of Jann Wenner and the recent outrageous cover headline targeting Sarah Palin, you are all on notice that if you do not immediately stop advertising in this magazine, I will be boycotting all your products and encouraging all my family and friends to do the same. I know you are aware of what word of mouth can do to a company's bottom line.

The people of this country are fed up with the extremely slanted left wing media trashing conservatives, family values, and this country while presenting only THEIR views and THEIR side of the news and we are more than ready and willing to do something about it.

As you are probably already aware, US Magazine has lost thousands of subscribers so you may want to jump this sinking ship while you can.


Here is a link to the page that has the advertisers:


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I don't buy any of those rags. If the magazine has a liberal bend, I avoid it. I already know that liberalism is a failed ideology filled with hatred. I have no need for it.
I agree with the boycott, but I think there is good reason to believe that Palin has gained votes due to their biased reporting. Men might forget this sort of thing in a few days. My personal experience is that women take a little longer.....say about 100 years or so.:cool: