Boycott the media


New member
I'm getting sick of the mass media's abuse of their power. I propose a boycott of the mass media.

1. Turn off the TV

Is the Simpsons more important than your right to keep and bear arms? I know its not easy, but after you've "abstained" for a few months, you'll wonder how you ever wasted your time on that drivel.

2. Cancel newspaper/magazine subscriptions

If you need to keep up on local events, go read the paper at the library once a week.

3. Support alternative news sources

Find and subscribe to conservative/pro-RKBA newsletters, magazines, etc. Support those who support your views and get informed.

4. Spread the word

You should be able to convince just about anyone that their pet view is being distored by the mass media (even a liberal!). Get them to boycott the mass media as well. Doesn't matter why, just so long as they tune out.

5. Let businesses know your views.

Spread the word that you will not see their commercials on mass media because you don't tune in. Forget targeted boycotts at "anti-gun" organizations -- there are too many of them. Just let them know they're spending their advertising dollars in vain.

Well, that's about it. Let's stop whining about it and let's knock the legs out from under the mass media and put a stop to their power.

Great daily commentary from a thoughtful Christian perspective:
Amen brother!
I used to be a real "news" hound.
I'd catch the morning news when I woke up, followed by one of the morning shows, news show at lunch, evening news at 6, 10:00 news before bedtime, interspersed with visits to CNN several times a day.
60 Minutes, 20/20, yada, yada.
2 weekly newsmagazines and a daily newspaper.
Except for the daily newspaper, which is a little more balanced than most, I've kissed the rest of them GOODBYE!
I hardly watch any of the major networks anymore. If I had one of those Nielsen boxes hooked up to my TV there would be mass suicide on Madison Avenue.
It feels great!
The funny thing is that I find that there are a lot of other people out there (besides us gun wackos) who feel the same way.
Too late, I got rid of my TV a long time ago. Withdrawal lasts from 2-6 weeks and then you are amazed at the new prospective you have on things. Madison ave types really do know how to twist your thinking. I never read that much or really learned much in the past 10 years, but when I ditched the TV, I started to read, and now I've read just about the whole library. I spend a lot of time with my wife, and it really has improved my entire quality of life. I get things done, and have lots of spare time to read, or take walks ect... I get my news from AM radio mostly, but every now and then I sneak over to NPR to see what the Libs are up to. I highly recommend dispensing with the damn thing.
Great! I suspect many TFLers have also ditched the one-eyed monster. (I, too, take a look at the "public" stations, TV and radio, once in a while just to hear some of the blatant lies they tell -- but I can only take so much of it and my wife doesn't like it when I yell at the TV.)

Now we just have to work on #4 and #5. These are the hard ones. How do we let businesses know they're wasting their ad money and how do we convince others that they're being lied to and manipulated? (Marx was wrong -- TV is the opiate of the people.)

We really need to give this some serious consideration as a group effort and also act individually in our own spheres of influence.

Great daily commentary from a thoughtful Christian perspective:
yea,speaking of national public radio,
i don't know what is worse to listen
to scott simon and daniel schorr on
saturday mornings or robert segal on
all things considered. they really make
me want to puke with the liberal slant
they put on things. they will have you
believing day is night and white is black, up is down, and in is out.
Excellent post, adad.

The TV in our house is hardly ever on. When it IS on, it's usually because the wife and I will pop in a DVD and watch a movie. During the rare times when network broadcasts are viewed, the commercials alone are enough to make one swear abstinance.

When the wife and I vacation in Alaska, we stay in a cabin with no TV and no radio... print media IS available, but we stay away from it. Total (s)news deprivation.


It soothes the mind and heals the soul.

And 're-entry' is a stone cold bitch. Only human beings have the technological know-how to put so much.... stuff... at our fingertips, yet so many lack the intelligence, or the wisdom, to close the spigot. At least for a little while.

As for spread the word - it's not that hard.

I live in CA, and I'm the only 'gun nut' (parends worn with pride!) in my work group. There are no hard core anti's that I can see... just folks who don't have the same level of interest that they know I have.

What these co-workers HAVE expressed concern about is just how many intrusive laws CA has been passing as of late.

They know these laws may not directly affect them in the present, but seem to resent the fact that they're being denied future choice.

And EVERY time someone asks me about why a firearm such and such is illegal in the state of CA, I have a very simple answer -

Because your state government doesn't trust you.

I don't have a TV, so I only see programs occasionally at friends' houses. When I do, I am always freshly amazed at the new and pointy squalor index.
Media commercials insult my intelligence; I know what I want and need. If something new comes along, I'll hear about it. Grapevines are still the best.

"I get the news I need from the weather report" -Simon and Garfunkel.
Shooting in - or out?
Have not watched the main media since Rush's program went off the air. I still watch a lot of TV, but it is 99% movies.

I started getting rid of the major press back in the 70's after I read a bunch of bull on Gun Control in the Readers Digest. Have not picked up a copy of it since. Even to read the jokes.


The debate is not about guns,
but rather who has the ultimate power to rule,
the People or Government.
I used to be a real news junkie, too. I quit watching Dan Blather & Co. years ago. I don't even watch my liberal local news anymore.

I sometimes turn on the radio to the local all news station at the top of the hour if something is happening locally. It's amazing once you become educated to their tactics, their subtle (and not so subtle) bias stands out like a sore thumb.

I find out what's really going on on the net with sources like Worldnet Daily et al. Who needs the Communist News Network anyway?

Here's a real good site for news that won't make it past the liberal censors at the networks:
Well...I cancelled all of the local newspapers years ago. The only channels I watch on TV are FOX news and things like the History Channel and movies. Get my info from the internet and talk radio.

Last week the local liberal rag called me to entice me to take their paper, I flat told them they are too liberal and I have no use for their fishwrap. The guy on the line got real snotty with me so I hung up on him. They call me every week with a new offer wanting me to subscribe to their rag, and I tell them why I won't subscribe every time. If enough people do what I do they may get the message.

Boycotts are a good thing, the left threatens to use them all of the time, it is time for us to start using this tactic. I suspect we would have far more impact if we did.

My $.02

Geoff Ross