Boycott "Mountain" (60's Rock Group)


I was watching "VH1's were are they now? The Sixties." this last weekend when they featured "Mountain" (Mississippi Queen is there most noteable hit). These guys are doing a new record and giving all the procedes to charity. I cool. Then they said that they are giving all the procedes to Handgun Control Inc to "keep handguns out of the hands of people that should not have them".
Durn it,,,,,
say it aint so, ive gotta dig through all those durn cds and make a decision to keep the "the best of mountain", dang it, durn dope smoking,long harried, pinko commie 60's rock group.....ahhh what did i expect, maybe some maturity?
No! No! At least Felix Pappalardi is dead, and he was the important part.

I hate being politically aware.
Doing what's right isn't always easy. Being a Christian and a gun-owner have taught me that. I've had to give up watching TV and listening to most music that I liked, primarily because of my moral conviction that so much of what is on TV and radio is sinful smut, but as a corollary, I also am refusing to watch/support/listen to anything that espouses the Humanistic ideal that there is a human solution to all of society's ills, and that it is proper, nay, necessary for the government to step in and tell us how to be good little rams and ewes.

For example, I used to enjoy a heavy metal group called Pantera, but I have gotten rid of my albums because of their bad language and the trash they sing about, and they are also pot-smokers. I will not give them any (more) of my money to support their drug habit. I also don't buy Pearl Jam after I found out they performed at a pro-abortion concert. I no longer enjoy anything made by Sara Lee or her subsidiaries because Sara Lee donates to HCI.

"Is fhe'arr teicheadh math na droch fhuireach"
-Sarabian Oomodo

If it isn't Scottish, it's CRAP!

A firearm isn't a weapon until it is used as such.

[This message has been edited by Jedi Oomodo (edited August 16, 1999).]
If I had to avoid everything and everyone I had some sort of moral objection to... I'd be sitting in a seal-skin tent in Antarctica eating snow and moss and humming Johnny Cash tunes to myself (wait... he's an ex-con isn't he? Damn.).

I was thoroughly bummed when I found out that "Boston" were smug vegetarians. Oh well, that much more steak for me.

Boycott the post-ban "Mountain" album. It'll probably suck anyway. Keep the pre-ban "best of" album as it has some great tunes. My humble two cents.
I'm really bummed because I'm working up the nerve to shatter my Shania Twain CDs into little pieces and send them to her, explaining that I will be continuing my boycott of her for her signing on to anti-gun crap. It's gonna be mighty difficult.
99% of these entertainers are full of crap on this issue anyway. Their just trying to be politically correct to ensure that they will continue to be part of the leftist entertainment industry. Most of them do what their publicists tell them to do.

It's all for M-O-N-E-Y.

[This message has been edited by Contender (edited August 16, 1999).]
Futo Inu-- If you do, send her just the plastic, but keep the jacket liner for the photos.

Fusby-- why get rid of your Mountain CD's? You already paid your money for them. The damage has been done, and cannot be reversed. You can, however, make a similar donation the the NRA ILA to do penance. Go forth, and sin no more....

One of the best ways to get the music you love from the people you hate is to buy used CD's. Kinda like buying a foreign car when you want to support American workers-- the money goes to the American economy, and doesn't really hurt Detroit. Yes, this is rationalizing. Like it?

I went through a similar problem years ago with Cat Stevens. Seems Mr. "Peace Train" himself became a militant Islamic monk and called for the execution of Salmon Rushdie after The Satanic Verses was published. Being something of a free speech advocate myself, I was appolled. But I kept his CDs and tapes. The message that I get from them is one of joy and peace, regardless of what he did and/or said later.

You and I are not to be swayed by a fool.

Will you, too, be one who stands in the gap?
Tell me it's not true that Shania Twain is anti-gun! Please!!!!!!

Oh, if only Tom Selleck could sing, I'd be a happy man.

Bye, Shania .... hello again, Reba.
Chuckling at JJR...


The whole secret of a successful life is to find out what it is one's destiny to do, and then do it.
HENRY FORD, "Success," Forum, October 1928
if you are truly that concerned about who get's what and where it goes. take a look at blues traveller. hippie type dope smoking muzac but then what type of music doesn't expouse something? john poppa the lead singer /harp master is very pro-gun. as i posted somewhere eles or on tfl (so many gun sites so little time) if i stopped listening to music who's member's were anti something i would be stuck listening to whaling song's(now there is a mis represented industry)
thankyou oh sainted longpath, for showing me the true ;).
I just culled the ole cd collection not a month ago, dropped it to a more managable size, and most of them like you suggested i bought in bulk from various places including pawn shops--I could pick em up at one time for $3.00 apiece, and then they started goin up to $4.00-$5.00 a piece, by that time I had way more than I ever listened to...fubsy.
Fusby and Longpath ... For those CD's of artists (and in some cases I use the term loosely) you want to get rid of because of thier political stance, simply sell them to those very same places. When they are resold, non of that money goes to them, you get some money out of the deal (maybe send it off to the pro-gun org of your choice) and you are keeping your local CD emporioum in buisness :)

Personally, That would make more sense to sell those Shania CD's and send the money to GOA or NRA to combat the amount from them that she might send to HCI (have I used enough TLA's?)

[This message has been edited by TR (edited August 17, 1999).]
Hey.... Not all of them... Rememeber Boecephus - Hank Williams Jr is a Rugar Man! Use to have the Rugar Phoenix logo as a back drop to his concerts. And that good ole boy Tracy Byrd hosts Saturday morning hunting and fishing shows on TNN. Dare we even MENTION Ted Nugent???? ;)

IDPA# A04739
It is long been a principal of ours that one is no more armed because he has possession of a firearm than he is a musician because he owns a piano. There is no point in having a gun if you are not capable of using it skillfully. - Jeff Cooper

[This message has been edited by Bubba (edited August 18, 1999).]