Boycott Bridgestone/Firestone

M3 Pilot

New member
I had dinner tonite with a friend who has his concealed carry permit & owns NFA weapons. He works at Bridgestone/Firestone. Yesterday the employees got a letter from croporate telling them that firearms would no longer be allowed on company property,not even locked in cars in the parking lot. The local plant runs 3 shifts & employees come to work & leave work in the wee hours. It seems to me that Bridgestone/Firestone is anti-gun & not concerned about their employees' safety. There are better tires available anyway & at better prices. This is my first post on this issue but I will contact Bridgestone/Firestone & tell them that until this policy is change, I will not buy any of their products. Hope you will do the same.
Talk to state and local gun groups about pushing for a law protecting employees who leave their firearms in their autos. Kentucky passed such a law a year or two ago.
You know this brings up the question

how are they going to know you have a gun in your car? I don't agree with the company policy, but it seems standard for most big corporations. I was just wondering what would happen when security shows up and says they want to check your car for weapons and you tell them where to stuff it.
So this company has a bad policy toward firearms that affects its employees. If we boycott the company, who do you think is going to lose their job first? The employees, or the board member that made the policy?
So this company has a bad policy toward firearms that affects its employees. If we boycott the company, who do you think is going to lose their job first? The employees, or the board member that made the policy?

What exactly would you do then?
What would I do?

I could write a letter, or call the company to explain how little I like their attitudes toward their employees' privacy and safety.

Or, I could let the people affected by the policy make their own choices and take their own stand. That's the kind of thing unions were formed to fight, and did so without outside intervention.
M3_Pilot said:
As I understand it,there will be random searches & refusal to submit will result in termination.

Fine & dandy. Just as soon as the CEO or the local division president allows me to come in to his office and search through his briefcase, checkbook and office furniture, I'll allow his minions access to my vehicle.

If I get this right, they're making employement conditional on my submitting to their snooping through my vehicle just because they want to? To what exent is this limited? Do I have to open, say, a sleeping bag to satisfy them? Do they get to look at any mail/envelopes I have in the car?

Since they're not a government entity, claiming a violation of constitutional rights doesn't really apply.
Ill send them an email.
Related issues you may have heard about:
The issue began in 2002 in Oklahoma, when the Weyerhaeuser corporation fired employees for having guns in personal vehicles on company property. The Oklahoma Legislature responded, unanimously in the House and by a vote of 92-4 in the Senate, by prohibiting "any policy or rule" prohibiting law-abiding people "from transporting and storing firearms in a locked vehicle."
Down towards bottom:
Read about this a few times in American Rifleman (NRA magazine).
What would I do?

I could write a letter, or call the company to explain how little I like their attitudes toward their employees' privacy and safety.

Or, I could let the people affected by the policy make their own choices and take their own stand. That's the kind of thing unions were formed to fight, and did so without outside intervention.

Hey Boss! We got a letter here from some guy who disagrees with our polices but is still going to buy from us anyway. What should we do?

Boss Response: --- You Figure It Out ---

Many unions are so corrupt at this point that I see them offerring no help to employees on an issue like this. After all, it is "employee safety!" You aren't against safety, are you?

In the end the CONSUMER has the biggest sway in how a corporation behaves itself in the long run.
After all, it is "employee safety!" You aren't against safety, are you?

Then you say "of course not, that's why we need our guns; for protection."
I don't understand how these companies think this kind of policy/rule makes anyone safer. If someone wants to shoot up the place a "policy" isn't going to stop them. But a policy will stop law-abiding citizens/employees from stopping the threat. Wake up! Guns aren't the problem; criminals are problem!

I would like to see a copy of this written notification.
I am waiting for Bridgestone to reply to my email to confirm this policy.
Once confirmed I will not buy their product again.
We used to have Firestones on the car, but I believe they are all Goodyear's now. Going to need some tires soon though.
There are better tires available anyway & at better prices.
There may be better values out there but no one makes better tires than Bridgestone. ;)

As to boycotting them I highly doubt it's going to make a difference. Not only will it barely affect their bottom line but the only people that would be hurt would be the employees, not the company itself.

And this goes right back to the silly idea that boycotting one anti-gun company while continually supporting others is ridiculous. What are the firearm policies of BMW, Toyota, Honda, Daimler-Chrysler, GM, and Ford? Doesn't matter if you avoid buying $600 tires from an antigun company when you spend fourty grand on an M3.
Thank you for your defeatest attitude redworm, I hope nobody follows that advice, or we all should just sit down and give up. what facts and solid hard core proof do you have that Bridgestone is the best.

I refused to do business at my local firestone dealer just because they have a no guns sign in their window.
I let the manager know it too.

I went to Goodyear and spent my 500 bucks!
Thank you for your defeatest attitude redworm, I hope nobody follows that advice, or we all should just sit down and give up. what facts and solid hard core proof do you have that Bridgestone is the best.

I refused to do business at my local firestone dealer just because they have a no guns sign in their window.
I let the manager know it too.

I went to Goodyear and spent my 500 bucks!
Defeatist attitude? More like realist; every time one of these threads pop up I mention to y'all the number of antigun companies you give money to both in services and products and especially in entertainment. To think that you're making a difference by buying Goodyear instead of Bridgestone is unfounded. What do you know of Goodyear's policy on firearms? For all you know you just gave 500 to a company that's ever MORE antigun than Bridgestone who, for all you know, simply put this policy into place due to a lawsuit from some menial line worker.

Bridgestone being the best is an opinion formed by years of building and racing cars. :p

I applaud your decision to avoid that store because of the no guns sign. I would do the same but you'd be hard pressed to find any business in Illinois posting a sign like that considering we can't carry anyways.
My point is that the philosophy in your post is shared by too many people, and thus, we have lame politicians, more laws than god himself could make up, and a tax and spend system that stifles the highest IQs around.

The American people bitch about their taxes but won't do anything else to stop or lower taxes.

It's like the tough guy who says gun laws suck but does NOTHING to join the fight for gun rights.

People will let the government do anything to them, any time, any place.
Another point redworm, who planted the seeds of anti-gun policy within such large corporations! Don't tell me they did all by themselves.

I'll tell you, the same ones who work at Brady C. and lets give some credit to the politically correct crowd too. American colleges are creating alot of little Ward Churchills now days.

These jerks can and will be pushed back and put in their rightful, but silly places. They'll fade like the fashion of their favorite nose ring.

Boyotts are very effective ways of getting a point accross, as well as court rooms and other forms of activism.