Boy Scouts need ammo

Said it before and I'll say it again.

The Boy Scouts of America is a corporation. We are operated within a fixed budget every year.

Generally, the Council Executive Board doesn't approve that budget until early February. And then the Scout Executive for the council divides it up amongst the various programs the Council runs.

So, for the guys who work at the camp level, we don't get our summer operation budget, which includes ammo funds, until round about mid-Feb/ early March.
Must be Bush's fault

Last fall, I donated 1500 rounds to Iowa's YHEC. This stands for youth hunter education youth challenge. This ammo shortage is not only having a inpact in scouting and other youth programs but will probably impact our standard hunter ed classes. We are still good on shotshell ammo and as well as M/L components. If we have to, we will put the students on pellet guns. .... :eek:

Be Safe !!!
We're planning on eating the cost in clay targets and just pumping all the kids originally signed up rifle into shotgun and hope for the best.
We will see better days

I am active in two conservation groups as well as their shooting programs. I also teach Hunter Ed. for about three midwest states. These groups and volunteers are more than willing to donate materials. There is plenty of desire but that won't buy you any ammo that can't be had. I have no doubt that we will see better days. .... :)

Hang on and;
Be Safe !!!
Yeah, one of those things that at present local councils who aren't in "comfortable" economic areas just have to deal with.

Pushing shotgun, archery, and black powder.

And for the smaller kids, those under 15, we're going to run Rifle until we run out.

And who knows, in the immortal words of Major Floyd Parks, we may get lucky.
wow, im very very low on ammunition and firearms. how do i get a national fundraiser for myself started?

cry me a river, boyscouts is just a corporation. it doesnt really seem to provide much anymore. just like girlscouts.
Newton24B, from a father who's son is working on his Eagle Scout, you my sir (I use sir loosely) are a real piece of work. I have chose to keep it clean out of respect for the BoyScouts , you have no idea what your talking about. I think scouting could have taught you a few things.
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Even as somebody who's never had an incredibly positive opinion of the boy scouts (not negative either, just neutral) they're trying to teach young kids the basics of gun safety. You don't think that's important enough to ask people to donate? If one person from each state donated a single 525 round box that would reach their goal.
The Boy Scouts is an excellent organization. I was a Boy Scout and loved it! But the recent decision to not include gays is a deal breaker for me and many others. Best of luck, but your on your own from my perspective. Live up to your own ideals and include everyone.
One bite does not make you a canibal.

This thread is starting to go in the wrong direction especially after this reply, I have no problems with your boys who are still trying to find their way in life. I do have a problem with adult scout leaders who may have a hidden agenda.

Take it back to Ammo and;
Be Safe !!!
The Boy Scouts is an excellent organization. I was a Boy Scout and loved it! But the recent decision to not include gays is a deal breaker for me and many others. Best of luck, but your on your own from my perspective. Live up to your own ideals and include everyone.

They as no problem with gays, it was dont ask don't wasn't a big deal until someone made a big deal out of it.

I prase the BSA for standing up and not caving to political pressure. They are also a private entity.
wow, im very very low on ammunition and firearms. how do i get a national fundraiser for myself started?

cry me a river, boyscouts is just a corporation. it doesnt really seem to provide much anymore. just like girlscouts.

Wow...I think I gained a considerable amount of good things from the scouts when I was in them.
This thread is about the ammunition needs of the Boy Scouts. Any other policies of the BSA, their corporate structure, tax shelters, or whathaveyou are off-topic.

Please stick to the topic at hand: Boy Scouts need ammo.