Boy saves sister from dog attack.

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Funny how they say men have less testosterone these days than they did in the past, yet this 6 year old boy displayed a level of valor that only the bravest of men could muster in the face of such danger.

If there is a such thing as a Man Card, then this boy just earned one and needs to be bumped straight to the front of the line at the DMV (Department of Masculine Valor) to receive his immediately.
A "Hero" for life !!!

I saw this one the liberal news tonight and this kid's parents have to be extremely proud. As the lad was talking, his little sister was looking up at him, with a look of admiration. Was not surprised to see that the commentator, did not mention the breed of dog and what was his or the owners follow-up. Stories like this is another example of "God -Talking" ....... :)

Be Safe !!!
The people that say men have less testosterone than they once did are purely spewing their agenda. The male role is slowly being squandered. Good on that little fella for standing his ground. I would have done the same for both of my sisters!
Told my girlfriend who has boys and a girl.. Choked up me and her.
A valiant young boy who displayed his heroic character to the enth degree.
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