Boxer's "Common Sense" Concealed Carry Law

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I looked to see if this as been covered here and didn't see any previous references to it.

On its face, this seems doomed to failure. Unlike interstate commerce, the federal government would appear to have no jurisdiction over what is traditionally, and solely, a state's issue.

It appears to me this bill, along with its caricature name, was written to fail so as to be used later as an example of "common sense" laws opposed by the gun lobby and pro-rights politicians. I can just hear Ms. "Call me senator" screeching about anyone that would oppose "a common sense" approach to concealed carry licensing.
Another foolish liberal idea. Sad to say my vote did not make enough of a difference to get rid of this most worthless woman.
Those folks are experts at laying low for awhile, then springing up with whatever schemes they've been working on in the basement.
Jmortimer, I feel for all of you in California. You have Boxer, Pelosi, Jerry Brown, Pelosi, Waters & Sheriff Sandra Hutchins. How much more can you bear before your back breaks.

I was amazed to see Youtube video of county board meetings where 2 Orange County supervisors chastised Sheriff Hutchins for revoking ccw permits. Norby & Nguyen were the ones. I wrote to both of them, thanking them for standing up for their citizens against a tyrant. You have a few leaders fighting for you there, if they can survive.
Let's all get busy calling our Senators, faxing them & notifying our state level organizations to help get word around.
"I wrote to both of them, thanking them for standing up for their citizens against a tyrant. You have a few leaders fighting for you there, if they can survive." Thank you - more than I did and I live here. I'm done with RINOs, liberals and any other politicians who compromise in any way.
to determine whether the permit applicant is worthy of the public trust and has shown good cause

Same might be said of her bill, but I gotta think the other states don't want to regress to whatever common sense California uses as it's standard for permit issuance.
How about instead a new 'Common Sense' Political Speech Law. Under this new law Senators who with out 'just cause' propose new inane, unconstitutional legislation, will be declared devoid of the 'public trust' and removed from office.

Don't laugh it makes as more sense than Boxer's ideas.
I'm guessing that her "standards" and "cause" would exclude most CCW holders. I don't think she can get any support for that however I find it interesting that all of the anti-gun folk are using Arizona as a rallying point.
"Where are all the folks here who were claiming a month ago that gun control was off the Dems' agenda ?"

Off the agenda for the Democratic party as a whole and never to be brought up again under any circumstances by traditional foes of firearms are two completely different things. :rolleyes:

We saw some of the same stuff from the same people after Virginia Tech.

How successful were the gun control proponents then?

Seems to me that there wasn't a party-wide movement towards adopting new gun control measures with the party traditionally in favor of such measures in control of both houses of Congress.

That should tell you something right there if you're willing to look at it.

Gun control also wasn't the kind of political topic for the Democrats as a whole in the 2008 or 2010 elections that it was in 2000.

So yeah, collectively, for the National Party, gun control still seems to be off the Democratic agenda.
The permitting process already provides the states plenty of opportunity to deny permits. Given the harm she has perpetrated for decades, she should be required to show just cause each time she opens her mouth.
Where are all the folks here who were claiming a month ago that gun control was off the Dems' agenda ? Where'd they all go ?
This was posted last evening. It isn't like everyone has even seen it yet. The same query might be asked of you. Where were you between the morning of January 22 and the evening of January 24? All of this was public knowledge, but you didn't post it, did you?

They haven't gone anywhere. Their call was accurate...until Loughner committed mass murder and wounded several others including a senator. Gun control was largely off the agenda because they had no rallying point behind which to drive/sponsor gun control. Nobody claimed gun control was permanently off the Dems' agenda.

As with many such laws, this law would not have prevented what happened in Arizona, in part because Arizona doesn't have permitted carry, but Boxer is trying to take advantage of the current event in order to get this legislation through. The tactic is common and used by both parties. I would have been surprised if the Dems didn't try to take advantage of it.
What are there 2 or 3 new bills since Tuscon?
King, Schumer, and now Boxer, I get that right?
Kinda like throwing spaghetti noodles against the wall to see if one sticks.
Doesn't seem to be a coordinated effort, just publicity minded people sponsoring bills and getting some face-time.
Write my reps letters of course, cause I like to.
"Doesn't seem to be a coordinated effort, just publicity minded people sponsoring bills and getting some face-time."


These are, so to speak, the usual suspects when it comes to spitting out anti-gun bills in response to just about anything.

There's no support or push coming from the Democratic Party on them.
Off the agenda for the Democratic party as a whole and never to be brought up again under any circumstances by traditional foes of firearms are two completely different things... Seems to me that there wasn't a party-wide movement towards adopting new gun control measures with the party traditionally in favor of such measures in control of both houses of Congress.
+1. Both parties have a tendency to moderate their positions when they're in the majority in an effort to maintain that control. However, when their control is waning, a party will often try to motivate their base by bringing up controversial issues that have great appeal to radical factions within the party but are unpopular with the public in general. There's also usually a good deal of infighting about who is responsible for the party's failure in the polls, so party leaders have a harder time quashing dissent and keeping individual legislators "on message".

This bill is a perfect example. It has two of the classic hallmarks; its title contains a glittering generality ("Common Sense" in this case- "Freedom", "Liberty", "Democracy", and "Values" are other popular ones), and it contains provisions that make passage highly unlikely.

We're going to see lots of this pablum over the next 2 years because Congress itself is split, so party leaders on both sides know that a controversial bill won't need to go through complex negotiations and multiple votes to make it to the President's desk to die; the other chamber will most likely kill it first.

This is not surprising.
Where are all the folks here who were claiming a month ago that gun control was off the Dems' agenda ? Where'd they all go ?

Those folks are experts at laying low for awhile, then springing up with whatever schemes they've been working on in the basement.


So how about the both of you getting a PACER account to help track all the civil rights cases I, and a very few others, are tracking and reporting upon. It will only take your time and a couple of hundred dollars every quarter to do this.

As it stands, there are only 3 or 4 of us, nationwide, that are doing all of this for you folks. It would cost all of us less, and take all of us less time, if more of you would do this to help out.


How about doing what gc70 did with the last Congressional session? You know, search the Thomas engine every week to see what new gun laws were proposed. That doesn't cost you anything but your time. He did it for 2 years straight. Where were you guys?

It's easier to whine though, yes?

As others have said, a month ago, there was no "disaster" by which the more jaded members of Congress could rally around. As it stands, there is no large anti-gun movement in Congress. Just a couple of idiots grandstanding in the blood of the victims.

Here's what you all should be thinking of: For all of you that have been whining about a national reciprocity bill, this is exactly why I'm against such things. Once the feds get their hands on such a thing (assuming it passes muster with the Courts), they will be attaching more and more restrictions upon who gets a CCW and what type of training is required to meet the criteria of acceptance....

Ah hell! I'm going back to my basement to hatch another scheme....
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