bowling pins


New member
What are some good/fun drills to do with bowling pins? I got a case in the trunk, a dollar a piece from the base bowling alley. I'm looking to buy another case before going up to Soccorro for the NM get-toegether. I was asking for that and for messing around down here at the range.
I have my own range and I hang em from a bar going across the width of it. They swing when hit and some times they go to peices.(depends what I use)Lot of fun.
Is that last question for real?

Let me see..... eye butcher
I wonder.... hmmmmmm maybe a bowling alley? Yeah thats it for sure
I bet they get those bowling pins from a bowling alley! :eek:
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Yes, you get them from Bowling Alleys. After a while I suppose they actually get worn out, and they sell them off. Many give them away for free. But EVERYONE should know that a bowling alley is a place to obtain pins. Duh. :rolleyes:
*THE* bowling pin drill

>> What are some good/fun drills to do with bowling pins?

Can't believe nobody mentioned the format for a Bowling Pin match.

The original layout was to set up a 4x8 foot table, with 5 pins set 1 foot from the forward edge with the firing line 25 feet away from the table.

Load with no more than 6-8 rounds (revolver/automatic) and start with the pistol at low ready (touching a rail). Have a buddy blow a whistle and start a stopwatch.

At the whistle, shoot all the pins *OFF* the table. Hitting the pin and knocking it over isn't enough, you have to drive the pin back 3 feet and off the back edge of the table. Time stops when the last pin is off the table and hits the ground. You may shoot at and hit the pin any number of times, so "double tapping" a pin to push it off faster is legal.

Repeat for a total of 6 runs. Throw away your slowest run and add up the remaining 5 times. A 5 table time under 25 seconds is very respectable, 20 seconds is really good and 15 seconds is world class.

Heavy loads (momentum!) work best. I shot a 230 grn wadcutter in a 586 .357 and a 235 semiwadcutter in a .45 ACP, both with a muzzle velocity of around 920 fps. Yeah, thats a power factor of 216.
Finally an answer! The match info is good, but I was also looking for other fun drills, for both pistol and rifle.
yeah, bigjim is always an ass. same thing in glocktalk too, i have him on my craplist. he wouldn't have the nuts to say what he wrote in my face.

bowling alley? you guys bowl in the alley in the boonies over there?
What huntershooter said. Only no limits on capacity. You can shoot .22 or .500 S&W or anywhere in between, and as much and as fast as you can shoot and reload -as long as it's a handgun. Time stops when the last pin falls off the back of the table. Fun.
The range I am a member at holds a very informal competition each month. One of the drills is to shoot 6 pins as fast as you can. They have taken some heavy duty iron rebar and welded a 4"x4" plate on one end of it. You stick the rebar in the ground and place a pin on the plate. We set ours up all at the same distance but I think it would be cool to set them up at various distances and then whack 'em!
yeah, bigjim is always an ass. same thing in glocktalk too, i have him on my craplist. he wouldn't have the nuts to say what he wrote in my face.

It seems I owe Gudel a apology. At first I thought his post asking where to get bowling pins was the stupidest thing ever posted here. I was wrong. His follow on post and the misspelled profanity laced private message he sent me eclipsed the original post by a wide margin.

1. I do not post on glocktalk. Too many people like Gudel there for my taste.
2. I was clearly not on his ignore list which he referred to as his craplist, since he was able to read my post.
3. Nothing like a Internet threat from a teenage counter strike video game player to send shivers down my spine.

I can not help but come to the conclusion based on what you have written here Gudel that you are not to bright, out of control emotionally, and lie.

I may be wrong, but this is the impression you have left me with.

Now for a real apology to the thread starter. I am sorry I contributed to your thread getting hi-jacked. I am done.
Well, we all see where this one is going.

But I would have to say that he's more mature than you. At least he was able to keep it to PM's, where as you have to come out in the forum and use a poor attempt at sarcasm as a rebutle. And I think he meant that you were on his list on GT, not TFL. So we salute you.

As far as them thar pins go, be careful. They get "hot". After a while, .40's will bouce off pretty nicely. Just mind how full of lead they are getting and where you are hitting them consistantly. This is definatly one for saftey glasses
based on typical events ...

>> What huntershooter said. Only no limits on capacity.

Shot capacity limits are typically used in most events (Second Chance, IPSA, etc.) but it isn't a big deal because if you use more than one round per pin you probably won't shoot very well anyway ;-)

>> You can shoot .22 or .500 S&W or anywhere in between, and as much and as fast as you can shoot and reload -as long as it's a handgun.

There are no caliber/cartridge requirements, just take the pin down off the back of the table. .45 ACP tends to be most popular only because it works. I recall some folks experimenting with .38 Super using hollowpoints moving as fast as they could safely be loaded.

Alternative events include 9 pin (nine pins, placed 1 foot from the back edge so almost any hit will topple them.)

Pick up "Hit the White Part" by Massad Ayoob
"PIN SHOOTING - A Complete Guide" by Mitchell A. Ota