Bowling Pin Shooting

Ah, bowling pin matches, my first love in competition shooting and still my favorite.
Unfortunately all the big pin matches are dead, however there may be a few club shoots still taking place.
There's a video on my web site of one of the bigger matches that took place in PA.
Best Regards
Bob Hunter
Pin Matches

Greetings Otasan.

We hold a pin match on the 4th Sunday of the month at the PSC club near Houston. (

Pins are getting harder and harder to find as well as getting pricey, so we anticipate that there will come a time when we will be forced to shut down. It will be a sad day.

I enjoyed your book.


That's right

I did write a book about pin-shooting. Did any of you ever get up to Central Lake, MI for Second Chance?
Missed it by "that much."
Friends used to attend and the very year I decided to join them it was no more.
From their stories, it must have been quite a deal, too.
Second Chance

We were able to make the 24th and final Second Chance Combat shoot. It was an amazing event, just chock full of fun. We were so sorry we hadn't started sooner and devastated that there were to be no more.


"Where are the pins of yesteryear?"

I attended every summer for 10 years.
Still miss it. Have your book on my bookshelf along with Massad's.

Not every day you can see Miculek, Enos, Barnhardt, Ayoob, etc on the same line. Saw some of them leave a few pins too.

Trivia was my best event, unfortunately. The closest I got to winning something big was when some guy who had just won a shootoff was picking up his gear afterward. "Here, hold this," he said. And handed me a pewter mug stuffed with $5,000 in small bills. :)

Lots of fun on the main range, the back range and the subgun range.
Lots of bad jokes from Rich Davis. I miss them too even though they did
irreparable damage to my sense of humor.

We'd be there now, if it was still going, eh?
Bowling pins; I have never seen another target that provided the instant feedback of a good shot, and the penalty of a marginal shot like the pins.

2nd chance was just the best fun I've ever had at a match!!!
Trying out the H&K toys at the factory tent on the practice range (think suppressed subgun, and belt fed LMG).

Was it Bang, Clang, Bang? Rifle, shotgun, pistol, and then throw the grenade? I never could get the shotgun slug part to go right.

Kissing the delightful young pinsetters - and wishing for a breath mint. Or was it just watching the short summer attire of the pinsetters.

The conversation at the meal pavilion was always interesting. Hearing the stories that did not make it into print.

Before they put up the plastic barriers for the grandstand I had the person sitting next to me take a good thump to the forehead with a ricochet. Yes there is "some" danger to shooting pins, but less than most other sports.

People drown when swimming, get run over on bikes, become star patients at the orthopedic ward from skiing.........

Typing this makes me think I need to look for a local match.
I still have a regulation Second Chance style pin table made from half inch plate steel setting on my pistol range.
It has several old shot up pins scattered around it, I still have around 300 new pins left.

When I test new guns I've built for clients I always try them on a few pin runs.
Then some days I just go out to my range and make a few runs on the pins just for the heck of it.

Best Regards
Bob Hunter
Shot at a Ruger Challenge match month ago. Side match was silhoutte pins-steel. Five pins at about 10 yards. They were stood up with a pull of a rope.

I had not shot the Mark III in couple months. I got to the firing bench, loaded when told to do so, answered yes when asked if I was ready, raised gun when beeper went off and realized I had NOT turned on the red dot.
I shot and finally ran out of time-30 sec.

Timer noticed I was hitting everything LEFT and I was much better when holding some to the right. Fun.
I was doing some late Spring cleaning of the shop the other day and I found a packet of pictures of the 1996 Second Chance Pin Match.

There's a picture of Jerry MiculeK getting ready to tackle a few of the challenges on the back range.

There's also a couple of pictures of Barnhardt's black L8000 truck, man what a rig.

While looking at the pictures I thought to myself, those were good times.

Best Regards
Bob Hunter
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Don't shoot in any kind of official bowling pin matches but I can get boxes of beat-up old pins from my stepdad who works at the local bowling alley and me and a friend will shoot informal matches with them. They are a blast (no pun intended) to shoot and can absorb a lot of damage before they become to shot up to be of any use. Interestingly enough, I have found .45 ACP 230gr slugs embedded in them, kind of a funny sight.