Bower Seminar Pictures


Maybe it will work this time.
Sorry for the bad web page first time around.
Here is the web page if you want to look at some pics of the seminar (more to follow). I'm just learning how to do some of the high-tech stuff on the web.

The picture with myself and two other guys at the angle iron (660 yards) is Don Bower and Marc Sheehan. Don is the teacher of the seminar and Marc was his helper. The goal is to split a bullet by hitting the center of the angle iron. I was pleased to be able to do it. In the other picture of the angle iron is Paul, who was spotting for me. The ram was at 500 meters (Marc was my spotter). He put me on this ram First shot), then had me move several clicks left and then the next three were for group. Group measured one and a half inches for three shots. I was shooting my 284 Win. XP-100. These seminar will be yearly in Alliance, NE if there are students who want to attend. 10 is a full seminar. Alliance has a great 1,000 yard range in which to shoot from. There may also be seminars in the western or eastern part of the US if there is enough interest. I wasn't the only one to hit these targets with regularity. It is worth your time and money if you would like to increase your shooting skills with a handgun past 400 yards.
For some reason When I post the numbers change to periods...

It should be:

If someone can help me if this doesn't work I would appreciate it.
The link works. The periods are inserted automatically when the URL is too long to fit on the screen. It doesn't change the actual address, just how it appears on the screen.
xphunter - The link is good now. I'm not sure what was wrong with the first one. However, this thread still belongs in the Lock and Load forum where the other one was moved to. It is a report on a seminar or course, not necessarily a report on handguns.