Bow shot distance on this Find The Deer


New member

edit: Yeah, he's out there a little too much.
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Nice pic Siotwo. One of the hardest things for a human to do is judge distance. I would say that is a 35+ yard shot. With a bow in that tall grass I would hold off on a shot.
Impossible to estimate from a photo as the depth varies with the iris setting.

If you are hunting from a stand, especially with a bow, you should already have paced or lazed distances within your field of fire marked or referenced.

BTW, that's not a shot I would take with a bow.
stevelyn the way I do it. is when I set my pins I walk 20 paces from the target. then 30 paces. Set my pins to my paces. When I going to a stand I count my paces from a reference piont to get an idea for distance.

I'm noty really sure what distance my 20 paces pin is set at or even my 30? I just know it works when I need it to. Just an Idea for someone who does not want to use markers or tape
Thats a refreshing idea, Impact.

Instead of worrying abour how many yards the target is, you have your own kind of built in system. I bet your mind can determine paces-away easier than yards-away.

BTW, I WOULD let an arrow fly at the buck in the picture. But I practice at 40yds even more than 20yds.

I bet you don't get too many bow shots on elk less than 30. One day I will find out first hand.
I would say no way no how on that shot. Wind information isn't provided, and from the looks of the grass it could be strong across. I am a pretty good tournament 3D shooter, and practice extensively at long range but wind and grass make a long range shot on a game animal risky at best.

If this was a medium sized deer? or what is the diameter of the tree trunks? what is the height of this tall grass/weeds?

Just going to guess it at 40 yards too?????? To much tall grass to deflect a perfect shot into a bad or wounding shot........ I would pass on this picture.... Now, in three seconds this deer might well be in a clearing......then the idea to wait might be changed to draw, breath, control, pick spot and release and follow through....... ;)