Bow hunting with gun


New member
I watch Tred Barta on TV. He is kind of a different type of person and fun to watch and his hunting looks realistic to me compared to other TV hunting shows.

I have noticed that in many shows he carrys a pistol, a Glock semi auto I believe. I realize he hunts all over and different places have different laws but I thought carrying a firearm while bow hunting was illegal? Now don't get me wrong if I was hunting with a sharp stick I would want to carry a handgun with me too, seems like a no brainer to me. My question is, are there places you can carry a pistol while bow hunting? Carrying a backup gun would be a big plus for drawing me into the bow hunting world.

I really enjoy Bartas hunting shows but I don't care for his fishing shows much at all.
I believe that here in Wyoming you can carry a gun while bow hunting. I don't consider it much fun hunting with only a "sharp stick" when you may have grizzlies hunting you.
During archery season it is illegal here in Georgia, but if you are bow hunting during rifle season, as long as your handgun is legal for hunting it is no problem.
In Indiana you can carry a handgun during bow season only if you have a personal protection permit. You can't use it for hunting though.
Like others have said - generally it is only illegal only during the archery only season. Tred Barta hunts with his bow even outside the general archery season.
In Minnesota it is not legal to have a side arm during deer bow season, any other time is OK. All that means is a conservation officer will write a ticket, You then get to challenge the law in court:confused:
If one is using the side arm for hunting it needs to be unloaded and cased when transported on motor vehicle.
Legal in Oregon to carry a sidearm while bowhunting.

Of course it is legal to rifle hunt bear in Oregon during bow season as well, so you tell me how much sense the regs make...
I thought you were talking about one of these:D

Airrow’s new rimfire archery barrel installed on the popular Ruger 10/22.

One advantage of a rimfire rifle that uses blanks to launch an arrow is reduced noise. Current noise levels are approximately 1/2 that of the standard .22 caliber ammunition. Many of these rifles are used in areas where deer are heavily over populated to the point that they cause damage to landscape shrubbery, agricultural crops, and multiple life threatening collisions with automobiles. Unlike a bullet, the arrow has a much shorter range and a correspondingly much greater safety factor.

Legal in Tejas during bow season only if one has a Concealed Handgun License. The handgun must still remain concealed - unless not doing so is so justified under Chapter 9 of penal code. I pick up quite a few CHL students due to that one ... :D
not legal here, cannot hunt with bow and arrow and a firearm at the same time. you can possess both in your motor vehicle at the same time as long as its unloaded and cased. no handguns though. so say i want to small game/waterfowl hunt in the morning and bow hunt in the afternoon. i can bring my shotgun and my bow with me in my car, unloaded and cased. drive to where i'm hunting, take the shotgun out and hunt. when i'm done unload and case it when i get to the car. take my bow out and hunt deer with that. carry a handgun for PD while bow hunting, would love to but its a no no.