First I've ever heard of any restriction on Bounty Hunter sales due to construction materials.
They're all steel, not quite as nicely finished as a Ruger, but still plenty strong enough to handle standard .44 Mag loads. Definitely no Saturday Night Special.
You may need to have the hand worked on, they've been running just a hair long based on my experience with a .45 Colt BH, a buddy's experience with his .44 BH, and some comments I've heard over the last year or so. It's an easy fix, the guns are functional but you have to put some oomph into cocking the hammer to get it to lock into the full-cock notch. Shorten the hand very slightly, and the problem is corrected.
Accurate enough for a trailgun, the only other fault I've heard is an occasional broken transfer bar, but I think that's getting to be fairly rare.
Good luck.