I finally got out to the range this morning with my new 9mm LCR. I bought it a few weeks ago for $460.00, so $492.00 out the door with tax. It came with 3 moon clips. Here's my report.
1. The gun functioned fine with no errors of any sort.
2. The felt recoil is actually much less than my S&W 642 Airweight with 38 specials or my S&W Bodyguard 38 special. Maybe it's the weight of the gun or the grip angle and grips but it was very controllable and easy to shoot. It did not punish my hands the way the other, lighter guns do.
3. The gun does not have adjustable sights. Like many small revolvers it has a channel on the top strap and a ramped front sight. The front sight is colored bright white and is easy to see. Contrast that with the S&W Airweight which is all one color. I found out that I have to hold the front sight high in the channel, If I do that the gun hit at point of aim. I fired 50 rounds, approx half of them at 12 feet and the rest at 20 feet. Again, I just had to get used to the correct sight picture and the gun was accurate.
4. The trigger is absolutely amazing! It is a very smooth, consistent pull and I found it very easy to "stage" the trigger for accuracy. I didn't notice any take-up and it was very crisp. It is by far the best revolver trigger I have ever experienced.
5. This is my first experience with moon clips and while they appear fragile, they actually seem pretty strong. Once the moon clips are loaded it's actually easier to load the gun using moon clips than it is loading a 38 special with a speed loader. With the moon clips, the rounds jut fall into the chambers and there is no knob to twist or shaking loose to do. But, they are small and I found myself making sure I kept close track of them as I used them. I could see them falling or getting shoved aside and then they may be hard to find. I loaded the moon clips at home and just threw them in my coat pocket as i headed to the range to see how they would travel. They made the trip fine, but I admit I was not rough with them. I need to buy more, three is not enough.
6. I like the gun. It felt good in my hand. I have other 9mm's and I reload that caliber so I was intrigued with this gun. I will keep it. It'll make a nice backup gun to my other larger semi-automatics.
Thanks for reading!