Bought a POS S&W 340 PD Scandium


New member
Shot it less than 40 rnds, with Triton 125 grn. and Federal 130 grn. When I took the gun home to clean it , I noticed the front of the cyl. around the chamber holes was all chipped and chewed up! Spent over $600 for a gun that is broken with less than 40 rnds through it! Whats up S&W?? A gun 2 years in the making and they still cant get it right!:mad:
Only the forcing cone can come in contact with the cylinder face and the gun will bind well before the cylinder gets marked up. Ammunition cannot produce enough heat to damage the cylinder.

Got any pictures???

"frequency of problems like this"?

Care to elaborate? I wasn't aware Smith had major quality problems with their revolvers (and very few with their autos). Are you speaking from experience? If so, please cite some specific examples that you have encountered.
If a Taurus is the example by which all "POS's" are judged, then let it be know that damn near all firearms manufacturers are making junk!
Taurus does make junk. I used to have a 357 snubby and it had all sorts of problems, damn sight fell out. I sold it after couple months just to get rid of it. Taurus is $hit. At least they used to be. I'll never buy another of their products to find out different.

On the other hand gun rags (tabloids) like american handgunner love them, but that's only for their advertising cash...

Take care
Gee, I wonder why (after a few thousand rounds) all of my Taurus handguns have failed to fall apart!

I sure am glad someone finally set me straight... I truly didn't know 5 of the firearms in my collection are junk! Wheew, I sure am glad I was informed, because after another 10,000 rounds between all of them, something might "fall off". Goodness me, that would be catastrophic indeed!

Thanks for this revelation of information!

Oh, I'd also like to contribute to this fabulous wealth of information.

A very good friend of mine just sent back a Sig Pro40 for warranty work due to a faulty mag catch, so now, we should deem all Sig products junk and save ourselves a world of trouble.

Oh yes, and that Springfield with a cracked slide discussed not too long ago... jeezus, we gotta toss Springfield in the round file as well for sure!

All these kBs we are hearing about with .40S&W Glocks, that must certainly warrant all of Gaston's products pure crap as well, including his military shovels and knives. Guess I'll toss my G19 right now then.

Oops, got that EAA Witness that doesn't feed... that's gotta go, they make crap too.

Yeah, and that Colt 1991 a friend has... yeah, you see, it's barrel bushing made an unexpected trip downrange once... yep, Colt garbage indeed.

Yep, get those garbage bags ready!
Villan, titanium is strong but I guess brittle , because I have starburst shapes around the cyl. chamber. and its NOT crud!
It felt like I was getting a small sandstorm in my face while shooting! It must have been the titanium falling apart! S&W will fix this, or give me my $$ back! PERIOD!:mad:
Folks, lets not get into bashing of other peoiple's preferred brands. After all, if you are CERTAIN that their choices are lame, what could be worse punishment than leaving the heathens to their delusions?
What style were the bullets? Sounds like maybe the cylinder is off a tad, throwing bits of residue back at you.
Definately sound like it needs to go back for warrenty work or replacement. My guess is it was out of time from the git go leading to your problems. Could also be undersized chamber mouths but that usually leads to rapid leading and horrible accuracy. I have seen both defects commonly in the recent offerings of SnW.

I think Fed 168 and C. R. Sam are right.

I bet the revolver was just a hair out of time from the start. That would explain the "small sand-storm" in his face as he fired the pistol. The "starburst shapes" are a little difficult for me to picture. (Or understand.)
Bulzeye: Do the starburst patterns look like burn marks, or do they look like they go deeper? (Like maybe a crack or something?)
On the front of S&W Ti cylinders, there is a coating. This coating is what stops erosion on the front of the cylinder as you fire the pistol. Regular cleaning products are not supposed to have any effect on this coating, however the coating can be "sanded" off by something as soft as Scotch-Brite. With the coating gone, the front of the cylinder gets "eroded" surprisingly quickly. Another possibility is that some dunce completely left the coating off during the manufacturing process. Why not call S&W and explain the problem and just ask about the possibilities?
They're trying to get back their market share. I bet that they would be MORE than happy to solve your problem post haste. :)
However, this is a mystery. Please let us know!

Now I really have no idea what I'm talking about but I'm wondering if the coating on the cylinder face was applied properly. If there was a slight overlap at the front of the chamber from the coating, firing a bullet through it would strike the overlap causing it to fragment resulting in the small sandstorm effect and the starburst patterns as the coating chipped. Just a really wild guess but does anyone think this is possible?
If you ship it back, make certain to insure it for full replacement value. Their merchandise handling is nearly as flaky as their politics.
